Free-Writing 1

The crude carvings inside the metal were to respresent a royal figure, yet all it did was strike fear into the hearts of his subordinates. the throne room itself was empty-...

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Sweet Revenge part 2

As he looked around he saw a likely looking stick that he could use as a crude crutch. as he crawled towards it he heard voices in the distance. oh god let that be humans he thought as the voices got closer.

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Open Season

For their own good, there are too many they'll just die if we don't kill any of disease and shortages of food so shooting them is far from crude.

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A Stranger in Suburbia (An Interactive Story) - Prologue (10)

Your sojourn into the land of dreams is crudely ended by a series of sharp knocks. drowsily, you stumble out of bed and make the short three metre trip from bed-and-couch to the front door.

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The Afflicted - Part 1

Joshua turned to look from his perch, a sort of crude balcony that overlooked the city's northern wall, where the big highway gates stood.

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When the crude sound ceased, she simply continued her call of victory with a deafening roar.

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Spirit Bound Spin Off Chapter 10: The Dinner Party

Screaming as that person was stabbed by a crude rusty knife. over and over. stabbed again and again. till there was no screaming. but it was being stabbed anyway. he fell to his knees and shrieked " please make them stopp.. please it hurts.

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Never wake again.

These words hit him as if they had been fired with crude precision to his heart, from a gun. "i don't love you... i loved someone else and he rejected me... why should i take you in?"

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Another Pause (story).

We sat down and started eating it crude. hey, slow down - he advised, with his muzzle full of meat. gee, you too - i answered. it was afternoon.  

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The Beauty of Love, Year One

They spent the next few hours talking and building small, crude castles and huts from sticks, leaves, and other materials easily available in their woodland home.

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Distraction (Kreet 30)

It drew a crude weapon and a sound like many small voices yelling with battle rage could be heard outside. "kreet," brand said quietly while the mind flayer's minions headed towards the exit to meet the mysterious noises outside. "yes?"

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Rare Earth, Common Ground: Oasis of the Stars - Part I

After a small amount of good natured henpecking, rowan convinced karth to produce a crude comb made of carved bone from somewhere within the lean to.

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