Royal Right Chapter 2: Immortal Voice
'mortals' i guess..." the lion advised.
Meet Me on the Volcano (Patreon)
However, as of late there had been a bit of controversy stirred up among the mortals of the cities and settlements.
Hell's Henchman
Aeshma's own still put colin's to shame, but it was bigger than just about anything a mortal male would have. a mortal male human, at least.
Isle of Dragons: Prologue / Teaser
His name was uriel, and he always had a soft spot for mortals.
True Beauty
But the mortals that seek these blessed waters must face the lake's guardians--the sirens. these powerful fae are not easily convinced to aid the mortals. no mortal who gained their trust may speak of the trials, and no mortal who fell short remembers.
Infant Mortality: a side-quest for Fallout: New Vegas
"infant mortality" a side-quest for fallout: new vegas by tagenar "fallout" and all related names are trademark and/or © bethesda softworks, obsidian entertainment, black isle studios or interplay.
A Late Halloween Report
Why pass up a chance to mess with mortals? trick some mortals into being unwilling servants, taste and fulfill their desires for once in the year. why didn't they?"
Azazidazal's beginning
I know why demons do not simply go into the mortal world in a blaze of glory and a glutenous orgy of humanity: the mortal realm is too cold. nothing there has the magic to sustain a demon, nothing but the souls of a still-living mortal.if i wish to go back
Ouija order Lover - Chapter 8: Odranelaus
It's been almost five months in the mortal realm which had consisted of hunting down these five mortals to enslave.
Avataress Trilogy: Origins and Secrets - #4 Revelations Among Gods
She wants to rule over the mortals and not be degraded like some pet. what is justification for her own sister to start loving mortals.
Preserving the Balance
M-much better, mortal...oooh..." with a gasp for breath he shivered, eyes closed as his entire frame jiggled away, "f-for a mortal, y-your strength is admirable...s-such power in your thrusts!"
The Devil May Care 42
"it is because he is a mortal," the tiger of pride said.