Far From Home: Chapter One (Part 2): Hunters and Prey

He knew he could simply force the child to go with him easily enough, but that would accomplish nothing. it was important now that he gain this child's trust if he was ever to see her to safety.

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Splice Away! part two: green toilet paper.

**20 years earlier...** if you're talking about a kid named thomas winter, you're talking about a kid with a hard life. you're talking about a kid who lived with his unemployed mother in a two room apartment.

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Careful What Wish You Grant

The kid sounded jealous "lucky." "uh huh..." rello stared back at the sky. whoever the kid was, they'd probably be leaving soon to get to their own schooling. "school is stupid." the kid muttered. "that so?"

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The Twelve Guardian Deities

**gias** fourth son and child of asurmen the guardian of the earth. gias is symbolised by a stalk of grain. worshipped primarily by farmers for good harvests. **pyrrat** fifth son and child of asurmen.

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The Unamed Heir

"if your child turns out to be a girl then we simply let you go and never show our faces here again but if it's a boy well...you understand don't you?" "no...you will not harm my child-aah!!"

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A Cruel Fate

Blood streamed down the child's face, joining the other drops of crimson liquid on the pavement. the child was knocked onto his back from the sheer force of the blow.

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The Child (Chapter 1)

She grabbed the small basket she had brought with her and laid the child, swaddled in a cloth, inside and wrote a quick note, explaining the origin of the child.

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The Garden Wall

Don't we, kid?", the boar growls playfully. the pup didn't really say anything and continues on with his pounding as he was being thrust in the back door. "c'mon kid, speak up.

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BLACKMAIL - Prologue

, cried the kid lying on floor, while his father was hitting his own wife. the child could see how strong his father was, and how injured his mother looked like.

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Welcome to da Foot Clan

Now the kid already had a fantastic body; rocksteady knew that. but there was just something about his new form that made him want the kid even more.

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Magical Pet Shop: Joseph

The man didn't congratulate or acknowledge the kid for his victory. instead he turned and walked away from the arena without another thought. "yeeeeah!" the kid didn't seem to notice.

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