Saving the ponies Chapter 10: Pinkie's input

After pinkie went through her odd little ritual, which was featured in the show and apparently very popular back in the human world, pinkie said: "so, if i can't help rainbow, how do you want me to help you?" she asked.

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The Fish girl and the wolf

''you get some rest and when you wake up i'll teach you about the human world okay?" he said,placing a hand on her head. "y-yeah..i-i'd like that'' she said before drifting off. marina's eyes fluttered open a bit eariler before midnight.

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In the Shadow of Moonlight - The Dream

Eventually, she must choose between the human world and the wild. dreams, they say, are windows to the soul. what might a wolf-girl dream about? this is a slight digression from the normal narrative and something of an experiment.

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The Digimon Wars Continued Chapter 8 Now It's Personal!

There's a lot of things going on in the human world that concern me, i have to try to lighten myself up somehow.'' tailmon was quiet for a while, then she looked at katie. ''like what?''

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The Digimon Wars Continued Chapter 1 A New Beginging

''it's propably because she died in the human world while being materialized.'' after some sobbing he spoke again. ''i want to keep her body somewhere, i have to bring her back somehow.''

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Look What Big Daddy Found? 8

"you'll never believe me but i can't go back to the human world because in the human world, i have no place to go to call a home, so i thought the digital world would be more of a comfortable home than the human world." said kenji softly.

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Skinwalkers: Sample

Their only contact with the human world is to find other skinwalkers and awaken them to their true nature. fey greenbriar has abandoned that existence, choosing instead to live amongst humanity.

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Point Nemo

Mutual ignorance of the other party was key for peace, though the human world leaders and the leader of the anthros who took pride in his paws having never touched land knew of each other.

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Bonds of Love (16)

"yeah, sure they deserve to die this is a human world." "no, it's a world for all of us to live in." "say what you want." the man who i can only guess is the leader came in. "master he's ready."

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The Awakening

It's a long story but basically you're in the human world, well more specifically, you're in my room."

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Pokémon Mystery Dungeon:Gates To Infinity

Whoa...this looks nothing like the human world...".you look around,seeing no pollution that you would normally see from the human world.the trees looked to be quite old,and only a few of them cut.the mountain behind you looks un-mined,left in its most natural

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.** **the race is much like native peoples from human worlds. they exist in a life of tribal societies and ritualistic prayers to pagan gods, fighting to keep their land and live off it while still maintaining its natural splendor.

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