Ragnarok - XXV

He stuck its seeming fragile bones. it howled again in pain, it flailed its arms. shane felt the flash of pain across his chest as one thin claw touched him, but he was past caring for pain, for life or death.

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Scattered Starlight - Stolas' Farewell

In that moment, he was reminded of just how fragile she really was. octavia was mature for her age, yes, but she was still just a teenage girl in a confusing world.

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Syngeneia Kathairein part 24

The sub is fragile and a bump from an iceberg could destroy it." you say "the sub is fragile and a bump from an iceberg could destroy it. i thought you were a master technician?" redsamuru says "i am!

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Huntress of Flesh

It was the reflection or a sun ray upon the fragile wings of a large flying insect. it hovered there in the air like it wouldn't be affected by gravity nor his simple presents at this place.

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Soaring Emotions II: The Flight

Walking over to his buddy he could see the fear and sorrow in the fragile human's eyes. as vitalis approached, joel clumsily brought out his blade. vitalis waved his claws trying to get him to stop as he said in a calm voice "it is ok, it is me shane."

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A simple story I ( 8/22 )

- greg is still a fragile boy. i fear that his current behavior is just a face for us and for himself. » ed hung his head. « i saw dozens of boys like him in my career.

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Fuse. [First Commission... He didnt pay for it.]

Shoving back inside as the claws of his scaled paw threatened to pierce the humans fragile skin.

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An arm lashes out and punches the girl in the back, sending her fragile frame toppling over the edge into the room. all is quiet as the group watches her from above, pale wet eyes staring eagerly down as the girl scrambles to her feet.

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A Giant Problem V

Thinking back to my college days i couldn't think of any minerals that were not synthetic that were so fragile they couldn't be mined in bulk i had also forgotten dealing with other humans.

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Unicorn Problems (Chapter One

Andy sniffled, nuzzling against kelendrianas' chest as he battled to bring his fragile emotions back under control, knowing his mistress and lover cried easily - especially when she felt her pets pain and suffering through her empathy.

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A pulsing erection, pink and twitching, unexpectedly long for the fragile frame of the boy, so different from the sex of wolves.

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