Waking the House
He cried out a protest and jerked his hips forward, but the buck yanked harder and the bird found his legs being jerked high in the air despite his attempts to fight the disrobing.
A Night at the County Fair: Part II
The expression on the jerks face was calm, almost casual as rascal held the fat and bacon ball on his tongue. he defiantly held out, but the jerk was patiently waiting for the telltale bulge in his neck.
A Night at the County Fair: Part IV
"heav'eh fuc-" was as far as the jerk got before rascal's water broke.
It's Tough Living on a Farm
Dash stood over the three, jerking himself, watching.
Teaching an old dog a new trick
He can feel his cock through blitz's belly and rubs it making his cock jerk a little. bunny starts pulling his cock out, slowly, making blitz jerk as pleasure and pain mix. "are you going to steal food anymore?"
Chains and Slavery
I hear nothing but a ringing. Every other sounds, whether voices, musical instrument, or steps, are muffled. I only hear that noise etching its note in my head as I watch before me. My chair, so uncomfortable and painful to sit on, is a mere...
My Guilty Pleasure
His growl turned into a whine and he jerked his hips almost like he couldn't stand being still while his cock spasmed and jerked in my body.
The Big Gay Gnoll Room
He bellows out a manic shriek as he jerks, liquid heat pumping into your tender ass.
Invitation to a Stoner Sleepover
jerk islanders saw his infrequent visits and his job with the wolf emperor as a sign that he was more loyal to the wolves than to jerk island.
Vore Night (Full)
Screaming he jerked up on the sofa, drenched in sweat as serperior who was laying behind him in the spot where she was when the movie started jerked up thinking someone was attacking him.
Sylvester's Family Tales 17
"i rest a paw on your head and guide my cock into your muzzle so you can drink my pre from the source, then after a few minutes i start to jerk my cock in and out of your mouth." typed sylvester. while tom typed the roomies jerked off.
Rebecca's in charge
She's a little cum slut" rebecca says and sees kit's cock jerk a little when she talks about molly being a slut.