Binding Spirit Shadow
For MelonVines
By Draconicon
"Alright, alright. The book says to get that binding ward written out, then...silver dust...and...what was the next part?"
Melody Sonata flicked through the book that...
Bondage, Bunny, Cum, Cumming brains out, Ghost, Halloween, M/F, Magic, Master/Slave, Mind Control, Orgasm, Rabbit, Slavery, Tentacles, Vaginal, reversal, shadow, spirit
BimTec Trials
By: Lapsa
For: ezylryb123
"So...uh...explain to me again why a 'lead researcher' isn't allowed to actually lead the research?" Millie huffed as she walked behind the older wolf, the normally chipper moodle wearing a frown as...
Ass, Bimbo, Bimbofication, Bimbofy, Breast, Cow, Female, Growth, Hypnosis, Lab, Moodle, Poodle, Testing, Transformation, Trials, body, brain, brainwashing, drain, experiment, experimentation, modification, tf
Word count: 5387
the title was originally going to be "click here right now, these magic pills will make your balls bigger and make you cum your brains out!!!!!" but the character limit wouldn't allow it.
Anal penetration, Appletun, Condom, Genital Growth, Greninja, Hyper, Hyper Cock, Hyper balls, Kissing, Messy, Noisy balls, Noivern, Pokemon, Threesome, Tonguejob, flooding
Duron replied, taking on the new name as his brain resorted itself. he still had all the memories of being human, of being a mage, of being duron, but a shift had happened. it was as if that wasn't him anymore, it didn't matter.
Anal, Beast lord, Brain washing, Corruption, Demon, Evil, Gay, Gryphon, Horns, Lion, M/M, NC, Naga, Non-Consensual, Oral, Serpent, Snake, Transformation, mythical, tf
**Code of Dishonor: New Horizons**
Written by Leo\_Todrius
Commissioned by Cidius
Isna Deo Mystos, the island of the mists, sat in the northern waters of the Igladian territory. While the rest of the islands had been forged from the steady...
Action, Anal, Battle, Beast lord, Brain washing, Corruption, Demon, Evil, Gay, Island, Lion, M/M, Non-Consensual, Oral, Owl, School, Teacher, Transformation, mythical, tf
"my erectile fucking dysfunction, ass-for-brains!"
BDSM, Bondage, Brain Fetish, Chain, Comedy, Domestic Abuse, Dr. Hutchison, Endosomatophilia, Fanfiction, Femdom, Filburt, Foot Fetish, Glasses, Horror, Humor, Insanity, Interspecies, Jewish, Mind Control, Mud, Neurophilia, Nickelodeon, Prostitution, Rocko, Rocko's Modern Life, S&M, Scat, Shrinking, Stereotypes, Torture, Urine, Various Species, Vore (soft), Voyeurism, WTF, brain, cartoons, giantess, heffer, marriage, parasites, prosthetics, racism, weird
**Code of Dishonor: Flames of Temptation**
Written by Leo\_Todrius
Commissioned by Cidius
The sign of the times was all around. Fall was settling in and creeping towards winter. The leaves of the trees shifted from green to yellow to orange...
Anal, Beast lord, Brain washing, Corruption, Demon, Dragon, Evil, Gay, Gryphon, Horns, Lion, M/M, NC, Naga, Non-Consensual, Oral, Serpent, Snake, Transformation, mythical, tf
He felt his eyes cross inward, and his brain did a little flip. his vision smeared at the edges, and the hint of snout at the bottom of his vision was thrown into sharp focus.
oh... they were x-eye seeds.
Amnesia, Brain drain, Cock Growth, Cross-eyed, Dizzy, Eevee, Female, Hallucination, Hyper, Male, Masturbation, PMD, Pokemon, Rule 34, Selective_amnesia, Shinx, berries, drug, fruit, nuts, seeds
Your brain is a mess. you feel drool leak down the side of your cheek, even if you can't understand the commands, you can still feel them doing their work.
Brain drain, Hypno, Hypnosis, Knot, Lion, Mind Control, Oral, POV, Pet Play, Puppy, Rimming, Second Person, Splicer, Vet, Wolf, brainwashing, medical play, non con, visor
The question caught cas off guard, and he found his mouth moving before his brain could cover up the truth. "yes, i've been stimming a lot recently." why did he admit that?
Bad end, Brain drain, Cat, Degradation, Disability, Embarassment, Eyes, Humiliation, Hypnosis, Hypnovember, Immaturity, Intelligence play, Iq play, Jackal, Masking, Retardation, Stimming, autism, drool, hypnotism, regression
"your brain, of course!"
Adorable, Alien, Anthro, Anthropomorphic, Asian, Bandicoot, Bestiality, Bisexual, Bondage, Brain Fetish, Brother, Cartoony, Comedy, Corona-chan, Coronavirus, Covid-19, Crash Bandicoot, Cute, Digestion, Dingodile, Ears, Endosomatophilia, F/F, Fanfiction, Horror, Humiliation, Humor, Hypnosis, Insanity, Interspecies, Liver, M/F, Mind Control, N. Gin, Narcissism, Neo Cortex, Neurophilia, Organs, Parody, Playstation, Recording, Romance, Shrinking, Siblings, Sister, Stereotypes, Teasing, Torture, Various Species, Video Games, Vore (soft), Voyeurism, activision, bacteria, brain, brain damage, brainwashing, camera, coco bandicoot, disease, giantess, gross, heart, literature, lungs, naughty dog, nose, pooping, racism, sadism, slapstick, sony, stomach, tawna bandicoot, villains, virus, vore, weird
Kingdom Come 6
Homunculi Hoard
Warden Burrows had crafted his magnum opus of all creations. Born from careful cultivation and precision nurturing, his slime-based homunculus was complete. The creature had developed into a perfect...
Assimilation, Body Control, Brain drain, Cock, Cum, Dungeon, Dwarf, Fat, Fighting, Goo, Harem, Hypnosis, Magic, Muscle, Orc, Possession, Slave, Slime, Swallowing, Uncut, combat, enslavement, monsters, takeover