Bio-Morph FAQ 2
** in 2021 to 2022 a major electronics manufacturer in china converted their low wage factories to robotic ones. this manufacturer supplies the bulk of china's exports.
Her eyes scanned the many vehicles in the lot until her eyes rested on a deep orange convertible. reaching into her purse again, victoria pulled out a set of keys on an acrylic flower crown keychain.
New Blacksmith in Town (Haley TF/TG)
Meanwhile terry's insides altered and converted in order to make him, or more appropriately, her a body capable of everything any other female could do.
Formula For Change (Contest Entry)
He could feel his gut slimming down as his body spent energy to convert him; the injection had a high-energy base but it wasn't appearing to be enough.
The Flesh Trade, pt. 5: The Betrayal
," came a familiar voice from the far end of the drone bay, an ominous room where slaves were converted into mindless objects to serve their master. "i am." two dark figures appeared in the open doorway at the far end of the drone gay.
Grim Fairy Tail
He spat out two more of the newly converted fairy's friends, converted and transformed as well, who stood and looked around in wonder before taking to the air. "why don't you go out and play...while i work on the rest of your friends."
Desolation: The Vanguard II: Delilah
But it seemed child's play to take something that lived and convert its form into that of a demon.
Elements of a Shattered Past, Chapter 18: Prom Night(Part 1)
I pulled over a couple of blocks away to put the top down; seventy-two degrees was perfect convertible weather. i slid my sunglasses on and checked the clock; it was just after five and i had plenty of time to get to holly's house.
Snake Lords of the Desert 24
The army was a strange mix of professional soldiers and converted bandits since the rescue.
Biohazard: San Marcos - Day Three: Ascension
"your god is here," his new bass-laden growl announced, "and, with your continued devotion and the induction of new converts, your god will only get stronger."
A Scientific Breakthrough
Once inside, they only seemed to expand, rapidly converting her organs into more of the black goo. "this is a special serum.
Qest: Primal - Chapter 18: Tender Moment
Good thing it looked like the conversion process was automatic. "...and it gets converted into the member's currency of choice, right?" "yeah, i think so..." ethan nodded. "how much is a million karma in shells though?"