
Finally some curator; probably not wanting one of the prized exhibits to be damaged, installed a timer delay so that if all the buttons aren't pressed within a certain period of time the stimulation to the specimen is finished automatically, much to

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Remedy, a story of Aligare (Chapter 7)

Perhaps merchants looking to do some business in curatives. mostly bards and messengers whose time is up for barter." peregrine settled onto his tail.

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True Paradise

My names riff raff and i'm the curator of this fine hotel and spa resort. you can call me riffy though. i take care of our most valued guests personally and i will do anything to ensure that they have an amazing time and visit us again soon."

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Merge - 12 - Friends

The grounds themselves were immaculately curated, with pristine white stone walls and a massive courtyard filled with hedges, benches, and practice areas.

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Book of Changes - 2

This was to say nothing of the jury that stockwell feared would soon judge him on accusation of murder as the police strove to put together what happened to the curator and security guard. "eyes on the path, slave." the hyena commanded.

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Identity: Chapter Thirty-Seven

Ned called two of the museums himself, but both curators reported no knowledge of such a dagger having ever been part of their collections, so the search was fruitless. nonetheless, the morning's events had ned feeling pleased.

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The Other Side Ch 4 (Complete)

_well, berries have different curative properties, maybe something is coming and she wants to be ready for when it gets here?

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Friends and Bob Demeaned (Original 2006 Version)

So said i, and boldly to the manager and main scientist-curator there at sunrise research.

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SYBT: A Night on Display

By trade nessy was an architect but that had evolved into both interior design and museum curation, mainly one night exhibitions of expensive or highly treasured paintings or artifacts, tonight had her arranging a display of greek and other mediterranean scrolls

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Poor Bob Demeaned (Re-Posted)

So said i, and boldly to the manager and main scientist-curator there at sunrise research.

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A Change In Perspective

Despite his intention to sell most of this to curators, he always keeps a few gadgets for himself.

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