Digimon: The Final Chronicle (Part 3)
Several of their number rushed to the digital world to confront yggdrasil, but our king would not listen...
The Silver Renomon Series chapter 5
"because mate i didn't go there until after i had returned to the digital world. not that it mattered much, i left shortly after i arrived there. ever since then i have traveled the digital world looking for a place to call home." said cole.
The Alluring Paw Massage
Red said as he slides down the wall he was leaning on, getting himself into a comfortable sitting position, red begins slowly massaging his aching paws, pressing his digits into his pads slowly tracing over the claws brushing back the fur in between his digits
5 Seasons of Love
It seemed like the human world and the digital world were drawing nearer to each other than ever before. the humans and the digimon of that generation had no choice but to go to the digital world.
Beastars: Blind Spot
His other hand came up to feel over the wolf's snout, digits pushing the lips up to expose the fangs.
Animal Crossing: A Flightless Break
Two feathered digits began to poke and prod wilbur's ass while he set aside the lube. it didn't take long before his digits slipped inside and a third soon joined proving that his brother had been practicing.
Digimon Fanfic - Episode 1
Episode 1: welcome to the digital world four humans are transported into a strange realm called the "digital world" there they meet their partner digimon, but one strangely does not have one, when a great beast machine digimon shows up to attack, will the
Flora: The Hunt
Her eyes were closed, her digits danced from neon's inner thighs towards the source of the heat, her digits soon dipping into wet arousal as neon let out a rolling moan that would surely be heard by anyone standing at the door, but she didn't hide it this
The Digimon Wars Chapter 14 A New Encounter
Then a moment later a digital gate opened under tom, he got sunk into the portal and michael jumped after him. before the soldiers even ralised they were gone. in the digital world, michael came out of the digital gate holding tom.
Pre-Last Stand: Fall of Heroes
digital lynx's smile grew wider, "ok, lets go back to the room then."
The Human Toy: Bound
Feeling a furred digit glide down his chest and stomach jace couldn't help but give a soft moan. "you like that?" he heard the gruff voice ask as he felt the digit rub down his thigh. a soft nod was given and he felt the fur against his balls now.
As You Like It
Its digits joined the others in stroking and teasing her twat, spreading the sweet fluids around and up between those mounds. she could feel his digits getting closer to the base of her tail.