Idle Hands

The chimera started digging through a few of the scraps that he had lying around. "ah, here it is!" he pulled something out to bring up in front of his guest's eyes.

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Revaramek the Resplendent: Chapter Eleven

He made his way to the back of the cave, where a few scraps of fur and hide marked the bed they shared. the little dragon spat his prize out near their bed. he licked his muzzle, and his belly rumbled.

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He continues to spit half-hearted curses until you slice off his pants with his own knife and fashion a gag from the scraps.

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[Gift: Tyu] Tyu vs. The Machine

"damn it leonard, when are you going to scrap this damn thing?" "i won't," the wolf replied. "we'll keep adjusting it until it works, there's no reason to scrap my masterpiece." "you've claimed forty-three lives!

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Witch Blood - 05

The inside of her had been scrapped raw by the use of too much magic and she wanted to collapse into her bed at home and sleep for days.

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Roen's Tale, Chapter 9

Sarn and i nod, and start picking up all the scraps of cloth we can find. with what i learned at the creek, i can't help but be suspicious, smelling each scrap as i pick it up.

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Mestrapoli - Chapter 001 - June Arrives in the Replete City

With no brothers around to snatch at her scraps, the food had been all hers and hers alone. now she was hungry, empty, and lonely.

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Its Quieter Here

This was where i realized that i didn't sleep through the hustle and bustle scrapping through the grime covered streets of my city, i needed it to sleep.

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The Patchwork Soldier Part VIII

He had a way of making his troops fight to the bitter end, making sure you paid dearly for every scrap of metaphorical ground. from what i could see, either valian had lost his touch, or we were being led into a trap.

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My Dad's Asshole (2)

All our family's tax forms, past bills, mortgage documents, dad doesn't throw a scrap of it away. the whole desk and cabinet are a huge dusty scrap heap of paper and manila envelopes and folders. no one ever looks through it.

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