The camel replied: "hmm...i would not be so sure of that my friend. religious fanatics will always claim that it was a punishment, or maybe a gift, from god.
22: Festival
Besides, the camel tribes didn't come into contact with equestria until about two hundred years ago, and even then it was through the traveling tradeponies of saddle arabia."
The Fox General: The Drylands
"last time, i saw one of the savages smash their camel straight through a shack and came out on the other end with a she-cheetah in tow!" "oh, that's nothing!" these chimera were sick.
Crown Jewels
Nadira sobbed the entire time, limply draped over the back of the raider's camel.
Beyond the Veil
It was hard not to smile at that, klein accepting the offer and watching the effeminate camel leave.
Astro and the Buried Boner: Part 5
And have some very fast camels." > > atlas snicked."that's the fucken truth.
Supervillain origins: Xoephis
Xoephis's anger and hatred for his uncle kept building and building with the years but the straw that broke the camel's back came when he was sixteen and he was asked to watch his cousins alister and krystal.
Tales of the Huntsville Mayors #10- The Two Young Architects
The crowd cheered as damien nathaniel (hyena, sf, wil) drilled a mid-range jumper to answer a layup by hassan kamal (camel, c, hnt) coming out of the timeout.
A Mother Knows Best
As they talked about malissa's struggles in school her shorts and panties started riding up on her giving her a very noticeable camel toe with her cloths still not dry from the sweat yet.
Lu and Evolution
Porcupines; bats with wings on their hands; insect-eaters like shrews, hedgehogs, moles; meat-eaters like cats, dogs, weasels, bears, and sea ones like seals and walruses; primates like lemurs, monkeys, apes, humans; even-toed ungulates like pigs, deer, cattle, camels
Tina's Story Chapter 67 Fennecs in Paradise- A Gray Muzzle Story
You can see the hottest camel toe in her bottom. with time, it creeps higher and higher into her folds. "gray, be a dear..." she's laying on her stomach, flat out. i know what she wants. "sunscreen, dear?" she nods her head.
Weighty Contract
Tach eventually succeeded by laying back on his mattress and sucking his belly in, though the ordeal remained the straw that broke the camel's back.