Volunteer Days at the Monster Transformation Zoo
Then, it happened, a series of human-shaped vibrations that denoted the presence of several guests above. with several avenues to explore, michelle found itself wondering how it would go about scaring the guests.
A Pet's Life
But gatito knew it wasn't his place to interrupt his master's guests when they were busy with the resort's staff--as a good, obedient pet, gatito knew he was supposed to wait for a guest to use him if they wanted him.
Declare Gluttony
He surveyed the other guests in the room. by now it was just the gryphon, the dog, and a gila monster, all fattened up with previous guests, one still squirming.
Lucky Dragon - A concrete idea
No guests. nobody was present, except for his master and servant. who was standing next to a strange machine and a table littered with various high-tech gadgets on it. he recognizes one of them. the master's guests had fun with it.
Echtra Faolchú: Crisp's Story
"to our guest! who tirelessly graces us with his presence on this fine, stormy evening." "toooo our guest!" "to the guest!" "who'd've guessed?" "so well dressed!" the cheers rang out but the glasses remained aloft; waiting; expectant.
A History of Reynard's 'Equus' Personal Care Products.
Reynard called his stunned guests over to inspect the still steaming, bubbling, pools of seminal fluids on the floor ahead of and underneath the spent horse.
Naughty or Nice: Chapter 8 (Platinum Patreon)
But like most of the time, there were no hitches, and the guests came in until the club was at capacity and every last guest was accounted for.
Fox Hunt 4
As the rest of the guests came up on their horses, they heard their huntmaster sound his horn and grab me by the scruff of my neck as a victory prize. i sure hoped they weren't gonna cut my tail off and give it to a guest as a prize.
Trick or Treat
He knew that the second time would be much harder for him to cum, so he took his time to familiarize himself with his guest's rocket.
The Pleasures of Servitude
The instructions included the basics - cooking, cleaning, serving guests etc.
Naughty or Nice: Chapter 13 (Patreon Platinum)
Interestingly enough, the crowd that made up all of the invited guests was a stark contrast to the guests that made up the general public.
The Showcase
More ratings and tally marks were written onto his back, with a few names ash figured had been the guests signing tonight's conquest.