Rictus Cenotaph: Chapter 1 - Pilot

He followed the hoof like footprints around the ground, and around several headstones. they ended abruptly at the base of a modest tomb stone with various glyphs inscribed, though they seemed to have been hammered away.

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Valium & Vodka: Chapter One

The heeler responded quietly, staring out the window at the numerous headstones passing by on their way out of the cemetery. paul was never one to beat around the bush, so he cut right to the chase.

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A Study In Grey

The first few months was amazingly successful, and gideon was able to get better and more equipment for the bakery, get the van overhauled and painted, and, last but not least, get a proper headstone for his mother.

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Oughta look great on my headstone! _melissa thatcher, cattle rustler, heinously annoyed stinkdog judge blake._ i like that!" the murmur waved through the courtroom again.

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Alone With Desire

Once the work was done, she got up and looked down at the headstone with a small frown. it had been a few years since her teacher and caretaker had passed away. time was a cruel thing and her teacher had managed to evade its grasp for far too long.

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I Will Protect You - Part 3 - A Summer to Forget

They came together outside of the car, paw-in-paw, and walked over to a marble headstone. carla had a bouquet of black roses, and when they arrived at the grave, she placed them in an urn near the headstone.

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Blue and Gray - Chapter 11: Letters Home (Epilogue)

Edward finch's headstone was like most others in the cemetery: a simple slab of appalachian granite, a name with two years engraved below. penelope crouched in front of it, her knees sinking into the snow.

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The Dogs: Hath A Familiar Spirit

A nobody - he would die, obscure, forgotten, his body would rot inside the mountain that birthed him and his headstone would be eaten by the forest that covered it, like so many others before, like so many others to come, _and it was all his own fault_.

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Broken Words: Chapter 6

He walked across the turf, running through his memories of this place, now picturing two headstones instead of one. a light cool breeze ran by his exposed head, tickling the fur on the inside of his ears.

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The Lakehouse, chapter 10: The End

The week before christmas, on a rather warm day for winter when the lake wasn't frozen over, they had had the gravestone made in town and shipped to them, where jamie, with the help of dimitri and allen, placed the headstone right at the water's edge at high

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The Alchemist's Assistant Part 5

It clattered against a nearby headstone and faded from existance, unable to maintain it's existance without a constant steam of magic to feast upon.

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He who passed the Proving grounds

He turned to regard the headstone next to tess's _here rests bard_ _the gallade_ _he did what was necessary_ _to save the life of a child_ _may he forever_ _rest in peace_ _  

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