Candy Hangover
He considered the mission accomplished, and backed his head slowly out of the dish as he felt his taut stomach slosh even more now that it was packed to the brim with water and sugar.
A Short Walk
His stomach sloshed as he turned towards the counter, and he gagged a bit as he struggled to keep it all down.
Mask of the Mirror
A slight smile crept across the prince's lips as he was rocked to sleep by the steady sloshing of the spooge roiling around inside gigantic, comfy belly.
The balloon of precum rested on his round belly, wobbling and sloshing quietly while he stroked himself, gradually filling up further the longer he went on.
The Gift of Thrift
His sloshing belly shamelessly peeked out from between his tank top and gym shorts like a sleepy eye.
Until it finally ended, his massive gut now reduced to a potbelly of sloshing virility, enough to allow movement. once he had the energy to, anyway.
A Goat and Her Snakes (Commission)
Licking and tasting, while the visible bulge of kamili softened and smoothed over, slosh by slosh.
The Balloon Fraternity
None of that seemed to matter now, his tight rubber body sloshing around as the coon leaned forward to give him a big squeaky hug.
Damn Skunk!
We both laughed after that, but we kept sloshing and humping away, until eventually we both tired out. i ended up trapped in his front side while that fat cumgut just sloshed over me. we're expecting kits now, so that'll be an interesting mixture.
the big fat wolf 2 (carnival story)
The wolf staggered and fell onto his back, while his huge gut sloshed heavily - and clearly visible was his now huge erected cock and finally also his feetpaws, which had a kind of popcorn smell.
Burglar's Misfortune
His cock jumps, a current of piss shooting outside, looking like a river as the flow intensifies, soaking into his fur and the wooden floor... more logs of shit rippling outside, exchanging wet sloshing sounds with heavy farts.
Saving a Buck (Vore Story)
Every step he took as the bunny inside continued his transition from rabbit to slosh.