Devil Crier Part 1

wall, arc bashes the car door down and then gets out, he then rips the front car door off the car which sara entered.

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The Gift: Answers to Your Questions

**q: why does kon get to break the 4th wall but none of the other spirits can?** as a yokai, kon is more than a trickster spirit. he has some very particular and unique talents to 'work around' reality's guidelines.


Moan for the Mug Shot: Chapter 1

. \*4th-wall-breaking wink\* and laughing out loud? my hands cramp at just the _thought _of having to spell that phrase out! \*another wink\* where do these ideas come from? oh, here's a good one!

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Looking To The Stars: Episode 01 (Our first interview)

All three: 4th wall! alexander: \*groan\* taiga: heh.... anyway... one of us needs to buy some food for the week. alexander: i am not doing it this time. let's flip a coin for it. taiga: \*pulls one out\* heh.

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Looking To The Stars: Episode 06 (Pokemon Trainer)

All three: 4th wall damn it! pkt: \*winces\* okay! okay! alec: okay, first question. why did you pick squirtle, ivysaur, and charizard as your pokémon for this game? and why aren't you a fighter in the game anyway?

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moon stone magic part three

wall joke) as i ate and ate food i let my pokemon get food too.

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A Treasure of Time 2

"no, i mean the 4th-wall-breaking ones. you got a narrator handing you stuff back there or something?" "...let's go with luck. luck seems to work." "...yeah. luck."

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Player Food for Thought, Staring Retna

Player food for thought, staring retna done as a gift, pre ac 2013 retna(c) himself, scott is a "player" avatar, all story work © by talonsaurn the story contains soft vore, 4th wall bening.

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Chapter 9 - Hypnosis! Desiree's Desire and the Hunt for the Virage Parts! (Part 1)

He realized that he had broken the 4th wall, knowing that everyone else wouldn't get what he was saying from the silence he got.

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New Customers

Oh, there's also some 4th wall/meta stuff in here just to entertain myself, so if that's going to ruin it for you, don't bother.

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Breaking Boundaries

I almost broke the 4th wall. i saved it by using multiverse theory. i think? i don't know...i could try smashing it harder next week. a side note: getting into farther detail, the first character is me. or, a multiverse version of me.

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Hierarchy of fur part 1

The 4th wall of the room, which was where the door was located, was made entirely out of safety glass. he could see out, but he could not break the barrier. and even if he could, the anthro guards showed no signs of leaving the area just beyond his door.

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