Chisagi Fore Hire

Zeelo addressed the crier between breaths. "anyone been picked for it yet?" "no one even applied." the crier shrugged. "but that's to be expected. very few are willing to go through with it." "seriously?" zeelo looked confused. "but...

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Devil Crier Part 1

It starts off with two people down town a brother and a sister, it's starting to get late and the sister says _"Here I want you to have this"_she pulls out a rope bracelet curled around with a brown leather strap and a green rope with a tiny star...

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To Wander infinity ~ Chapter Five: Veporligh Dawning

Tolinom could hear the crier laughing along with everyone else.

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The Guilded Cage, It's Pronounced "Cameo"

Pip the herald, town crier (originally from eternyte) male kobold a minor character in service to lord etherborn as the unofficial mayor of cragglecrawl (cragglecrawl!)

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The Second Sundering: Chapter 2

And all at once it was chaos again, the crier taking his seat as another lord or lady tried to get their case or issue viewed next.

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The Chronicles of Floofington Hills chapter 1

I'm afraid this is a little more complicated than our over reliance on a single town crier." nicolai accepted skippy's outstretched hand and stood. "well, what is it then?" skippy's curiosity had been piqued.

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Paul dans le métro

Je t'ai entendu crier... » lui demanda une autre voix, un murmure aussi audible qu'un filet d'eau tombant sur le sol.

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Enslaved by a Lover

The crier announced the start of the bidding session. two guards shoved the humans into the middle of the stage. once there, the crier read their attributes. nobody seemed interested in soiled barbarians.

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Morbiyus Chapter 8

Il appela shad, d'un ton hésitant, pour crier de plus en plus fort. il cria un long moment, et s'arrêta quand il entendit les clés tourner dans sa serrure. shad arriva en courant, boitillant, et s'arrêta bouche bée à l'entrée de sa chambre.


Mistress of Thieves - Dealing in Death

The town crier said as he continued, but aubrey recognized the name and she smiled smugly since he was another who had helped her husband ruin her life.

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Olden Tymes

At its center a small town hall where a crier is out beckoning to the people. "hear ye, hear ye. all denizens of the realm are welcome into our town to celebrate the festival of hearth.

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Le vaisseau abandonne [French - SciFi]

Le pauvre félin ne pouvait que crier alors que son ventre grossissait à nouveau. il sentit le jet emplir son estomac et remonter son oesophage, et finalement ressortir par sa bouche.

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