Price of Survival: Part 2
claudius waved the idea off. "he'll wait if it means he gets nedric back." claudius was sitting in a chair by a fireplace, sipping from a cup of tea that was steaming. "i'm sure he would."
Stripes and Chains 6 - Snow and Lights
claudius and juno both looked on, laughing. claudius wagged his tail, whining as he looked to juno. she wiped a tear from her eye and nodded. "go on you big buffoon. i'll keep watch."
(C) Fidget's Worst Week
Aquarian was shorter but much more muscular than claudius. claudius shook his head. "it is possible that-" "no." the third man spoke up, his voice deep but calm and even. it commanded the respect of the other two.
The Perfect Birthday Gift, Part 2
"need them for him" claudius curiously stares at the carried and bound lycan. raze does the same wondering about the humble tiger, yet his attention towards claudius lasts for a while until raze observes at his surrounding again.
Tales of Vierbein - Chapter Two: Crime and Punishment (Commission for Anonymous)
It will be very important for you in the future when you eventually take power," claudius said.
Pathfinder Ch 2
Snarled claudius. "emiel! let's kill this fucking lizard." the doberman took up a fighting stance, drawing a short sword from his belt, while claudius pulled out a pair of daggers. "a gentleman should know better."
The Perfect Birthday Gift, Part 3
Nonetheless having already drawn the tiger's status as a family man, the lupine forms some respect towards claudius. after this raze attention focuses on something else upon staring at two items claudius holds on his paws.
Chapter 1 ~ For I ne'er saw true beauty till this night
"thank you, daniel" claudius said with a smile spreading from ear to ear. "you're welcome, if you two need anything else, just give me a shout."
Commission - Ruin of the Pride Lands - 2/2 END
claudius was being forced to move faster as leo hurried in at a great speed and quickly triggered the building orgasm.
Stripes and Chains 3 - The Real Nightmare
"hello claudius" she said to the shaggy gray-blue wolfhound waiting for her out side the female guard dorms. claudius barked in return, giving a grunting noise in his throat. he panted and wagged his tail.
Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 51: There Are No Happy Endings (Conclusion)
The master sent claudius and ida to front of the farm house to help poa claim the compound. while the harpy and i were sent to the back of the home. **_now for your leader little slave._** (hey, don't let me stop you.)
Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 100: After This World (The Dawn Of Civilization VII)
Looks like claudius is waging war against the synoptic." _"right alex."_ "the question is if claudius is successful then what?" the female ninja asked. "good question we need to head back. automated assistant assume control of the prototype.