The Cosiest Cuddles
Would you prefer payment in snuggles, smooches, or..."
Cuddles to Go
James had decided to forgo a seatbelt to instead climb into percy's lap as he drove, snuggling up close.
Homework Cuddles
2009 It was a spring afternoon, though in TJ's room it felt more like winter, much as Sydney loved. He saw snow exactly once in his life and fell in love, and hoped to one day move to the north with the love of his life. They were both laying...
Cuddling in Bed
, smiling prey and cuddling a prey bulge cuddle someone, then eat them, then cuddle your gut while they're inside.
Cuddles optional
cuddles optional." he grins suggestively.
Netflix and Cuddle
"Dammit!" Felix bellowed, his grip on the controller tightening. "That's not fair!" The hyena's eyes fixated on the television screen as he watched his character fall over in defeat. "Did you see that shit Shaw? I clearly won that match!" In a huff,...
Befuddled by Cuddles
Their relationship had always been very physical, and whether that physicality meant cuddling, sex, or wrestling it was every bit as enjoyable.
Emotional Cuddling 3
Turns out Leo did arrive, and Chase and him got awkward but a few pointers from TJ and Sydney allowed them to remain good friends. Jeremy and Clint also came in, trying their earnest to reform from the drugs. TJ's love and Sydney's tough love...
Emotional Cuddling 2
Having traded his gothic pajamas for a metal shirt did little o stop the other from teasing Syndey. "'Sydney, you look like an edgelord!'" he mocked, "'Sydney, you look like a try hard!'" "You look wonderful always "TJ sad, kissing him in the...
Cold City Cuddles
**besides, you can't argue with a good cuddle!**
Study Buddies (Cuddles)
A timber wolf and a cyan-feathered hawk cuddle. this is a big ol' cuddle story. it's a comfort piece. like porn, but for snuggles. isaiah was utterly enraptured by the subject of chemistry, but that wasn't what made the lab classes exciting.
A refresher course in cuddling
"okay, so to give you what you're really after, i think the best idea is cuddling." "cuddling." kody nodded, "okay, how do you cuddle?