"um, fluttershy, who are-" twilight began to ask only for her popcorn to suddenly explode in her face and coat her mane and face in popcorn kernels. "very funny rarity."
Summer with Leomon: Movie Night with Elecmon
Ben would get together some of his most favorite movies and buy some popcorn. "hmm, would leomon like popcorn?" ben thought. ben was working at grandpa's shop and saw the popcorn on a shelf.
Movie Night
You thought i made all that popcorn for myself?" "you like popcorn." "yeah well i actually had something else in mind tonight so eat up. the popcorn!" the mouse shouted through laughter as the cat nodded and opened his mouth wide. "yes my master."
The Movies
Shane took a sip from his drink and glanced at eli, "popcorn?" eli nodded and thanked the bear as he was given the popcorn. eli ate some of the popcorn, before resting it on the floor in front of him.
Lament of the Moon S&H - Ch.08: Dancing no Bara - Ep04
Panja replied, just as excited as his kirin friend, holding a big bucket of caramel popcorn and big sized soda in each hand. "popcorn?" "yes! thank you so much for doing this, panja!"
Late night annoyances story
She fished for the last of the popcorn before shaking the bag softly over her face and dumping the last of it. she was a mess. then she threw the emptied popcorn container next to her.
Fox Hunt (Act1, Book2, Chapter17)
"i wish i had popcorn. battle scenes are so much more epic in real life than they are in movies." "that's because you're more emotionally engaged due to the fact that what you're seeing is real," donovan told her. "i want popcorn," the succubus said.
Saturday Morning
I put my hand in the popcorn as i felt mike's hand in there. i looked down as we took our hands out and he licked his fingers again. i put the popcorn next to me and took a drink of soda to clear away any popcorn.
In a theater
Shifting your drink to the holder in the arm beside you, you pat your lap and hold the popcorn bucket up over her head out of the way while she slides into your lap.
Movie Previews
She smiles to his and takes a handful of the offered popcorn resting in his lap. a few handfuls later she finds something obscure in the bag of popcorn.
Some Lion Guy Spills More than Popcorn on the Theater Floor. Also He Fucks his Daughter.
popcorn! popcorn!" his gaze was brought to one of the mall's many shops, a store specializing in all sorts of popcorn flavours and seasonings. he was brought from his wandering thoughts to the present, and why he was here to begin with.
Blind Date
He rocks his hips into the rabbits grasping hand as it's pushed back into the popcorn bucket to grip at the bear's member while as pre dribbles out of that rolling foreskin and into the popcorn.