Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 117: When You Least Expect It... Expect It (Knight Watch Part One)
The automated assistant used the prototype to forceably pull the ambulance back to the surface. the prototype landed quite softly, but the ambulance, well it did not.
Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 121: Shadows Within The Light (Knight Watch Part Five)
"i don't know what it is, it just seems that the red prototype's systems are slower than the blue prototype; i remember it responding quicker."
Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 100: After This World (The Dawn Of Civilization VII)
**\*what happened to the junior knights that were operating the prototype mr. winter?\*** "they didn't make it, their remains were found on a mountain between world two and four." "and the red prototype was severely damaged."
Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 126: Things No Apology Can Heal (Consensus Part Four)
The mastiff said climbing back into the cab of the black prototype. the gorilla joined him.
Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 47: The News No One Wanted To Hear
It was then the laser cannon hit the prototype again causing a small explosion at the vehicle's rear and destroying another vital system on the prototype.
Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 122: Knight Watch (Conclusion)
Matt said stepping outside the prototype. "i also think we need a disguise." i said. "too late now pet, the crowd will see the prototype change. you should have done that when we arrived." **_\*madam knight, mr. winter, mr.
Memoirs from the Hangar 2
He probably gave hex some prototypes that the president can find use for. i'll give him ten of the prototypes back." the boss smirked, "you are an nevozmozhno case, big borsjtj."
Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 38: The Colony (Places Both Known And Unknown Part VII)
I am slowly raising the temperature level in the trunk of the prototype to nominal.\*** and so left with few options, dawn and i took the prototype into the chasm to ride out the storm, let my warrior bear recover from semi-hibernation and to look for the
Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 118: A Long Term Solution To A Short Term Problem (Knight Watch Part Two)
Sir ram said powering on the prototype.
Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 72: That Which Means The Most To Us (Rising Part IV)
I shouted powering on the prototype. twelve hours ago..... day 179 (5:14 am, the trunk of the blue prototype) "wake up pet." my brown bear said kissing me on my forehead.
Closet Space
"uhm, the, uhm- the boxes are prototypes, doctor." you explained, nervously. "i think we could probably keep them in the prototype room, back at-" she raised a finger and shushed you.
Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 64: The World Right Now (The Consortium For Mutual Coexistence Part One)
My lady bear said turning the prototype around as we headed back to the scene of the theft. we quickly parked and ran over to assess the injured.