Natural Attraction

I prayed to the old gods that i be given a child. no one in town believes in them anymore, so i didn't think it would work." the lapine lady fidgeted in embarrassment.

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Hurricane Kim Chapter 3

"kim, every day i wake up and you haven't figured out how to breathe fire, yet i give thanks to the old gods and the new."

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The legend of a warrior; Chapter 87 - Not By Strength, But By Guile

She turned her attention directly to the temple, licking her lips as she distinctly felt the energies of the old gods tremble and then vanish, extinguished like candles in the wind, overwhelmed by their tremendous force, and she squeezed into killer's gigantic

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Enochian: Book 2, Chapter 19

"the old gods will never give up their position..." ose said softly, before he grinned widely and taunted: "what's wrong, lord zerrex? are you too scared to become a demon? are you too afraid to show me what you really look like?

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Hell on Earth

Anyway there's some old legend about a great hero battling the king of the demons, and the destruction the wrought was too great for the world to handle, so the old gods destroyed the ancient civilisation and brought about the ice age, imprisoning the hero

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Evokation / Book II: The Devil / Part 5

And zerrex knew that once upon a time, when god had been alive... there had also existed terrible old gods like the princess that was trapped inside him: beings of formidable, surrealistic powers that he knew he'd be lucky to survive against alone.

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Evokation / Book I: The Fool / Part 10

gods by throwing it into this volcano... but instead, it had only melted partially and was trapped at the bottom of the volcano, still draining its powerful energies into the surrounding land.

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The Jackal Awakens

We who have learned of the imprisonment of the old gods thus seek your resurrection, that you might lead us to new glory and prosperity."

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An Age of Wonder: Empire in Decay

Although they fancied themselves the martial masters of the continent, covens of witchcraft and cults to old gods were routinely ferreted out and exterminated to preserve the strength-based bloodline of their people.

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Pendulous Pendant

Girls were fine, the old gods that had put down the rules for magic had either been misogynists, or total perverts. considering the stories about impregnating women in the form of swans, or as a golden shower (eww) kiera suspected the latter.

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The Seeker, Chapter 28

Margaret said, the old gods will grant us anything we wish in order to be set free! we have but to ask, and they will give it to us!" "well hurry up and translate it sister, bernice said, we can try it tonight!"

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