A Life of Adventure, Chapter Three (A Chance Meeting)
#3 of a life of adventure another update in the life of adventure series! enjoy! and beware the funnies.
Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 62: Alex Winter / Undercover
Counter Earth Chronicles **Chapter 62: Alex Winter / Undercover** Day 200 (evening) "So how are your mashed potatoes Alexander?" "Outstanding ma'am, err mom!" (Damn, I have to be careful I almost blew my cover.) But I was busy focusing on the...
Adventures in Carnal: Chapter 1
But then i remembered japanese hentai and pretty much every other porn related adventure series... screw plot, they've just been one massive acid trip after another.
Mind Control Tales - Sci-Fi Edition
We're a pulp sci-fi action adventure series, not bloody shakespeare! our audience doesn't want anything like that! they want cliched 'good always triumphing over evil' story tropes!" "yeah, well..." minos shrugged.
Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 22: Lea's Confession
Counter Earth Chronicles **Chapter 22: Lea's Confession** Day 89 continued "Alex? Alex?" Tauren said tapping me on my shoulder. "Morning Tauren how are you?" I responded in a daze. "More importantly how are you?" The minotaur countered seeing...
Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 57: Something That Has Never Lived (While She Was Away Part Three)
Counter Earth Chronicles **Chapter 57: Something That Has Never Lived (While She Was Away Part Three)** Day 174 continued "AAAAAAAAH!!!!! GO AWAY! GO AWAY! GO AWAY! GO AWAY! GO AWAY! GO AWAY!" I screamed ducking behind Minka. Time stopped, the...
Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure, Twelfth Entry
#12 of pathfinding-cyoa a little delayed, but here is the latest entry in the ongoing pathfinding choose your own adventure series.
Cat’s Chronicles Chapter 1: A Jack of Some Trades
This is chapter one of a short fantasy adventure series with some lewd moments mixed in here and there, featuring my very own character kirsty.
Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 32: Inside Out
Counter Earth Chronicles **Chapter 32: Inside Out** Day 105 continued It was late Saturday afternoon when I left Mara's lab- I had just enough time to make it back to Lady Ursa's lair. Upon my arrival I combed the domicile to see if my mistress...
Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 21: More Missions, Even More Missions &.... Another Mission
Counter Earth Chronicles **Chapter 21: More Missions, Even More Missions &.... Another Mission** That was quite the mission. It came very close to being my last mission and I almost got stuck with another one as well. But some quick thinking and...
Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 19: Big Animals Scaring Little Animals
Counter Earth Chronicles **Chapter 19: Big Animals Scaring Little Animals** Day 79 I came to sometime during the night. My head hurt like hell, as did my arm, shoulder and abdomen. My vision was also blurred. Which was not a good sign. What was...
Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 36: Altered Beasts
Counter Earth Chronicles **Chapter 36: Altered Beasts** Day 109 concluded When the creature landed on Lord Tiger, I was finally able to get a good look at it. Upon my initial inspection it looked like a white were-beast- it ran on all fours and...