Mist-Chapter 1

That's when i realized i had a crick in my neck. which didn't surprise me, i was tossing and turning trying to sleep but i couldn't get that question out of my head. am i gay? see the way it started was when a girl asked me out.

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A foolish excursion

He realizes that he is in a different place completely, that barren space he had collapsed in before hopefully far away from him, though he still had cricks just about everywhere in his body.        "...no....  wait..."  


Ander - Chapter 6, Subchapter 40

"sai," he said again, jerking his head like someone trying to get rid of an annoying crick in his neck. "what happened?"

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Walk In the Forest 2

Mind heavy with the thought, wolf stands up leaning back stretching trying to remove the cricks in his back.

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Gun Grave Episode 1, Part 1

\*bang\* a metal door slams open and walking through it is the same unknown figure, he lets out a sigh and cricks his neck a bit, then removes his coat, setting it on a shelf near by.

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An Asinine Fantasy

I got a look at myself in one of the mirrors--face barely showing any sign of humanity--just my eyes, and a slight remaining bend to my nose, which quickly ironed out with a \*crick\* of my horsey head. i knew i was next.

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Lisa's Bad Fur Day - Part 2

Her backs vertebrae elongated and thickened with a series of spasming cracks and cricks. lisa could feel herself extending up the length of the wooden column, her slim 13 year old frame extending longer and longer.

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Fury of the Wind

(fluhr's point of view)    i woke up in the morning with a serious crick in my neck. i tried to ignore it as i sat up and stretched. something felt off. way off. that's when i realized. where's julio?   "julio?!" i called out. i heard no response.

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The First Session

Daniel's attention snapped away from the handcuffs so fast that he almost cricked his neck. he froze. someone was in the doorframe, and it was unquestionably inhuman.

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Split by a winding s shaped crick roughly a quarter mile long and capped with a single storm drain on either end.

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DFC (Dragon Corruption TF/TG)

._ the dragon stretched his neck left and right, to get out the cricks. satisfying work, but exhausting. _no, i needed a change anyway.

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