I Love You Twice: Nocturnal Intermission

It didn't matter whether the story he was reading was about a pair of leopards, foxes, or even manatees, whenever he finally came, he was thinking about himself making love to kelly.

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Waves of Passion

The way she talked, i figured her to look like a manatee with arms, a squid faced elephant seal or who knows what. (i have an active imagination, so sue me) "well, you know i won't rest now until i see you, right?"

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Depths, Parts i-iv

Most anyone is sure to be skeptical enough to dismiss this as just a cutesy story - again, like gasparilla - made up for yankee tourists too gullible, too stupid, or both to know the difference: some sad miscommunication about the manatees who used to swim

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Chronomancer Chronicles: Bloodfyre - 2.0

What could have possessed you to introduce yourself as 'ultra-king mcawesome pants, lord captain of the trash heap outside 23rd street, master of bankrupt leprechauns, unicorns with more-than-one-horn, cripplingly obese manatees _and_ 44th hotdog eating competition

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License Revoked

The manatee came right in the middle of her orgasm, his cum dripping from her lips as she screamed her pleasure. she laughed out loud when she saw the dribbles of semen on his thighs.

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World Wide Wabbit

"your grandfather buys buttons from a manatee." enter again. he scratched his second-chin-from-the-bottom-left. another great strike of mental lightning. his fingers lit up the board. "and that's why they don't fit!"

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Nbsp; most anyone is sure to be skeptical enough to dismiss this as just a cutesy story -_ _again, like gasparilla - made up for snowbird tourists too gullible, too stupid, or both to know the difference: some sad miscommunication about the manatees

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Rising Tides Part 1

Setting them down one at a time on the low and wide table depicting an aggregation of manatees browsing through seagrass.

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Bovine Indulgence Highlights

Rodney got in with his trunks and swam around her like a speed boat around an aircraft carrier (maybe manatee is a better analogy). he got her to chase him and play other games with toys like balls and rope.

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Epiphany Part 5

"i'm not a goddamn manatee!"

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