Moonlight Sonata: Chapter 1, Boarding Pass
"ah, but she is my little scratches..." octavia actually felt guilty for not sharing with her special someone. not that her special someone could appreciate such fine things, she told herself.
Disassociation 4
Kret says nothing. She closes her eyes, and focuses on pleasuring the other Kret. She seeks out and finds all those rarely touched places of hers, the overlooked spots that a callous lover only scrapes out of luck. The other Kret's sharp grip loosens,...
Mama Wolf
She lowered her head, giving her face another scratch. "this is ridiculous... i need to sleep, so why am i suddenly wide awake? it doesn't make any sense!"
Scratching Those Persistent Itches
Never would I have dreamed that the things of television and cinema were anything close to being real. While it was true that I was a fan of the saying that truth was stranger than fiction, I never would have guessed that fiction, in...
A Little Scratch is All it Takes
Yet, all through the day, gary was plagued by the consistent throbbing of his finger, as though the slight scratch had become infected.
Scratch that off the bucket list
"scratch fucking in a train off the bucket list," jacob murmured out with a wink at lucas. lucas merely let out a snort at that. "fucking pervert.
You scratch my Itch...
"so long as you scratch my itch... i'll scratch yours as much as you like, brother..."
a good scratch pt 2
The man takes off his shirt and turns his back showing several very long but, healing cuts and scratches. "oh you did that to your self, your just sick!"
Venomous Love
The den was quiet, bathed in the warm and calming glow of candles perched along the walls, a sharp contrast to the storm raging in the mind of its lone occupant. The Salazzle sat perched on her favorite plush, an absolutely titanic replica of a...
Fucking Rats Part Three
Veronica began slapping again at john's face, this time making sure her claws scratched deep every time, eventually drawing blood. meanwhile, her tiny foot moved up to john's cock and started rubbing, giving him both pleasure and punishment.
The Pondering of Zudomon II
Every hit meant his eyes would shut close, his throat would grow sore from screaming and his hands would scratch at the silk cloths, the bindings now becoming an anchor for his sanity.
Moonlight Sonata: Prologue, Four Tickets
"and that's another thing, vinyl scratch!" octavia's tone was getting harsh, "you never own up to your mistakes!