Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Pewter City and Mt Moon
At that i threw squirtle's pokeball out on the field, "come out squirtle!" forrest was interested, "first bulbasaur and now a squirtle, you've definitely done your due diligence and trained your pokemon rather well.
Red's Adventure (4) - A Journey Begins
squirtle continued to taste over its meal, murring gently. charmander reached out and actually rubbed the squirtle's stomach from the outside before its front paws were pulled inside by the squirtle's tongue.
Passions Flames Pt 3: Training
As i charged the tabby yelled out "squirtle, defend yourself." the squirtle then retreated into its shell as i brought my clenched fist down on the shell.
Looking To The Stars: Episode 06 (Pokemon Trainer)
squirtle! squirtle: \*pops out of his pokéball and lands in a one-legged pose\* squirtle squirt! mewtwo: \*points at squirtle\* ... are you kidding me? a turtle? at least put me against something worth fighting.
The Pokemon Journey -- The Way to Vermillion City
The squirtle said as it was knocked out. the ekans then slithered back into the brush. the kid ran to the squirtle, and picked it up. "squirtle, are you okay?" the squirtle could barely muster, "squirrtle."
Special Training Chapter 1
I quickly commanded charizard and squirtle to use their flamethrower and water gun attacks respectively.
O Problema de Magnésio, parte 3.
O squirtle disparou um jato d'água contra magnésio. o tiro de alta pressão acertou o miltank bem no meio das tetas, pressionando a mama.
Pokebrothel 15
The squirtle walked over to stacey and sat down on her back pushing the rattata down. "this is where you strain yourself because nobody said that you could get down," the squirtle said as stacey strained to hold her position.
Broken Love Story
You can start your pokemon jour-" "give me a squirtle." he blinked surprised "with your fondness for blaze i thought you'd go for a charmander, "no, squirtle."
Journey of an Outcast - Part 3
Sneasel made his way over to where rattata and squirtle lay unconscious on the ground. sneasel poked squirtle on its head. squirtle clenched its eyes and then relaxed again. sneasel poked him again, this time squirtle woke up. "huh, ahhhh!"
The competition
An hour later squirtle and ember are left and ember looks relaxed and enjoying herself while squirtle looks like she's having trouble staying on the dildo as it fucks her hard and deep banging against her cervix.
Pokephilia Life - Chapter 1: The Joys of Meowstic
"unfortunately, i don't think squirtle will allow it." squirtle pulled away from joy's breast and shot me a very dirty glare. joy waggled a finger in squirtle's face. "no-no, squirtle, you know how this works.