Serenifi: Dawn Of A New Summer
Pandora then shed her own swimsuit, and looked at the human guests. "uh... my swimsuit isn't really that tight, so um... i'll just keep it on."
Vulpine Confession #16: "Eight Days, Seven Vixens and Six Swimsuits..."
"let's take turns in wearing the swimsuits then! we all get to try on each other's swimsuits. it will be fun!" "there are still seven of us and only six swimsuits! one of us would have to wait for her turn on the beach or swim naked!
Chapter 6: Beach Fun
The girls continued to look through swimsuits. "oh, this one is nice. i'll go try it on." nora said and headed for the fitting rooms. soon sandra found a swimsuit too and went to the changing rooms.
A Good Summer Start
Two smaller finds sprouted just above hir tailbase, as the tail grew even thicker as hir arms, ribbing the underside of hir swimsuit apart.
Cody's Swimming Lesson Part 3: A Wild West Cowboys Of Moo Mesa Fanfic
Cody arrived early at the lake the next morning wearing a pair of torn blue jeans. He took off his shirt and sat in the warm sunshine with his small chest stretched, reaching for the sun. The lake was sparkling blue. Several boys were already playing...
Part 22 A New Home
Danielle smiled as steph walked out with henrietta, both already in swimsuits. "don't worry, someone is here who can rectify the situation." steph saw the two and smiled. "oh, they forgot their swimsuits?" danielle nodded.
Lakeside Encounter
The horny fox could hardly contain himself, as his swimsuit was the only barrier preventing him from being pulled in balls deep.
*Cub* Pumping Molly: Episode Beach - 2012
Miss cunningham looked doubtfully at the straining swimwear. "but i think we may have to use something like your bathing suit there. a bra strap probably wouldn't take the pressure." "plane jane's underwear might work." kit laughed.
Casting Call
"swimwear! goodness i hadn't thought oh but of course!
Adoptive Needs Chapter Three - Instincts
He swam around the water; it was a much more enjoyable feeling without the swimsuit hugging tightly on him.
Blue Pulse Pool
The last and outer layer was a female's one-piece swimsuit with a aqua and pink design. "for someone who didn't want the wet their swimwear, you sure have changed your mind," said max. toby moaned in disapproval.
Patreon Reward - Wetsuit
She slipped herself off of her trainer's feet, tip-pawing her way out of the tent with her swimsuit in her mouth.