My Little Mashup 13 - Here Be Dragons
nightmare moon and the sperm-soaked ankylosaur after her shifted their attention my way. the ankylosaur began a galumphing run, so nightmare moon began flying. i climbed up the stone, and nightmare moon followed, then landed, and... "ugh.
A Case of the Flutters
Even so, nightmare moon cracked a smug smile. "much better."
The Spring Equanox
"you can finally have it... what nightmare moon always really wanted and she could never get."
-Future Chapter WIP-
I noticed just behind her that princess luna and nightmare moon were breathing noticeable sighs of relief. they must have feared that i would have made a choice i would regret.
A Forgotten Princess's Desires
I, nightmare moon, speaking to my former self, luna. although the awkwardness was very short lived. and for the first time in...perhaps centuries, i have found somepony who understands my love of the night on an identical level.
Kingdom Hearts: The Path of the Heart Episode 1: An Unexpected Journey
You're the mare in the moon, nightmare moon!" kairi didn't back away as twilight declared the name for everypony to hear. she gazed at nightmare moon as well, itching to move, to at least summon the weapon.
The Longest Night... - Draconic Nightmare Moon TF
nightmare moon, that is what she was called. she looked up at the full moon once again, drinking in its splendour and beauty, it was almost as perfect as she was.
Cracking the Code
Are you ready, nightmare moon?" "always, luna. onward! he needs us!" i replied as we prepared our magic.
Kneeling Before Nightmare Moon and Daybreaker
She didn't take as much of his cum as nightmare moon but she got her pleasures from him in other ways, forcing him to eat her out while he drank nightmare moon's milk, his belly bloated out like a beach ball and yet growing larger, very slowly.
Into Uncharted Waters
Although more often than not, my thoughts drifted to nightmare moon. was she making progress in her search for the cure?
Chapter 2
"nightmare moon. you are correct. i do not know loss and wrath like you do. and yet...i envy you." those words... she? the princess of the dawn, envious of me? "explain yourself...
Once a Year
And it is an honor to be in the presence of the man who rescued princess nightmare moon." that kind of praise caught me by surprise. "you mean... you don't mind being in the service of nightmare moon?"