The gutpunching home - Sidestory 2
Gliscor's punches put a good dent in marowak's abdominal region, whereas marowak's own punches force gliscor to step back while displaying a very obvious expression of pain.
The gutpunching home - Sidestory 1
punching power, this event is mostly ignored.
The Monroe Household
punching however was not all that quentin was skilled at, and either when he seemed to grow tired of pummelling his brother's hole, he slid into a more relaxed, casual speed as he took one paw and pushed it deeper.
Bowser Jr.'s punching bag
"it feels a lot better than punching that boring sandy bag." he chuckles. "haha..." sheldon grins. "i can take a punch." his grin widens as bowser jr. continues to throw punches at him.
Don't Tease The Android
On his way to get back up he hissed and punched him between the legs quite hard. he was a bit grossed out when he felt he did indeed have parts there. he looked up at his face which didn't have an expression of pain but one of rage. "ouch.
Draco vs the Claw Vipers
Without his breath, fangskin can't really use his superior speed, letting draco land jabs and straight punches at him like he were a punching bag, with the shocking serpent desperately trying to block his hits.
The gutpunching home - Part 2
Then draco looks at dragonite, who is pointing at his stomach as if demanding the punch. "you punched a ripped belly. now punch a heavyweight one." dragonite says.
Chapter 4: Punching the Bear
It's been a while, around 2 years to be exact, since I've pretty much done anything on SF and since I'm somewhat bored . . . and tired . . . as having woken up at 2200 Friday and typing this at about 1300 Sunday . . . I've decided to try my hand at...
Junior Year: Bone and a Punch
#18 of junior year you know how life sometimes throws you the biggest bone imaginable but as you're picking it up, you get punched in the stomach? well... that might have just been me.
13. 1-2 Punch
"no punching below the belt, etcetera." "and what are the stakes?" he grinned as he popped his gloves together, receiving a sudden punch to the snout that sent him reeling back a foot. jasmine smiled. "dignity."
Halloween special Strawberry Punch
Suddenly amy felt, thirsty, to an extreme level, her vision became blurry and she could barely stand, she stumbled her way to a nearby table were some plastic cups and punch bowls were put up and began leaning on the table.
Pelvic Punch, Nasal Crunch
The horrible, blinding pain of a punch to the nose made maxwell's watering eyes gush and his ears ring.