A Matter of Faith

I have seen the light, river, and i do not repent. not now, not ever." with that, she turned on her heel and stalked away, heading for her tent again. "well if... if you won't repent, then... then at least take a bath!"

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Liberum Anima

Pero de repente la conversación paró. la puerta se abrió de repente y se encontró con una sombra ante la puerta. cayó de espalda y se echo para atrás, aterrado ante la mirada que ese hombre le estaba dirigiendo.

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Bastion - Pt. 6

He repented, and like any most who repent, he needed to be forgiven... i sent him to purgatory where his soul will be purified before going to paradise." "so you didn't just send him on through..." rasvim sighed in relief.

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El Secreto de Tora: No mas Muertes, Por Favor

De repente se sentía como encerrada en un reloj donde el tiempo sí tenía vital importancia.

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Sorpresa, primera parte. (Family, segunda temporada)

De repente ambos se desploman, jadeando de cansancio. retira su miembro del tigre, y le da la vuelta para tenerlo de frente. se miran a los ojos, y se dan un calido beso, que dura un par de minutos.

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"any sins in need of repenting for?" "only one, father, only one." "and what may that sin be, son?" "i cannot tell, father." "so be it, find truth in god, that is all the truth i need from you." hodan liked the priest.


Jen & Gar: A quick correction

"after that you will have to use your tongue to convince me you are repentant, if you fail it will be another ten strokes." she lifted the paddle from his back.

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Trial of Tomb Stealer 3

Laura knew that it was too late now for repentance. _ **english is my third language, please correct me if i am using chinese-style english. thanks for reading.

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False Moon 6: Inquisitor's Work

So long as we repent." percy fully expected her to state what his punishment would be. his new terms of probation and repentance. she had no plans of the sort. "ukuthula", she intoned.

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The Nun's Temptation (A Jeeves' Prompt, Posted with Permission)

Sister ingrid gurgled a moment before she gave in at last, before she put aside the guilt and repentance taught to her over a lifetime of service to a silent, false deity, and began to worship her **true** god.

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Por eso de repente recordé cuando james me contó como conoció a sam y a daniel. --oye, aun no me dices como le hiciste para convencer a san y a daniel el día que los conociste. al escuchar eso james estornudo.

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