To Boldly Hoof It Ch 4. Mental Examination

I'm obviously in this room with you," she said.on the screen the words, 'approximately 200,000 miles above saturn's moon titan, inside the hole' appeared."titan?" said bon bon."saturn's moon?" said lyra."the hole? what hole?"

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Journey to another world pt3 ch92

I re...remember the fight with sat...saturn, but nothing after." jenavee sat down on the bed next to me and took up my other hand and held it in her lap.

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Decisions and Sacrfice Twelve

"it had to make a fast supply run to saturn. they'll be back in the next week or so." "saturn isn't that far." twitch commented his curiosity peeked. "there's a bunch of plutarkian cruisers buzzing around the area."

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Chapter 8

_ _ "oh, uh- saturn." i couldn't risk him finding out who i was, and quite frankly he was too stupid to know what saturn was.

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Journey to another world pt2 ch58

I told her as i was continued to be led away with her standing just at the end of rout 215. ‘there is a good chance that saturn is going to show up at the police station and make sure that i'm doing what that notes told me to do.

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Under the Stars : Part 1

Mars is just about to meet the horizon but i can see saturn just above it. i reposition the telescope and bring saturn and its rings into focus. "take a look at that." i tell him. "oh wow, that's gorgeous."

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Take Five...

There was a sharp click and the line went dead... \* the english green saturn rolled to an easy stop in front of a large brick clad apartment complex.

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Have fun stuck in that fursuit! -story-

I'll narrow the hunt, one key above the chandelier unlocks you from the trap suit, the other unlocks my saturn lol! have fun picking up either key in that heavily padded fursuit with the thick padded paws, jerk!

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\>outside your window saturn spins listlessly, casting a faint amber haze on your ceiling. \>you wait for an alarm or something, but it never comes.

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Pokemon: Legends Ch.3 Guiding Star

Rio had been leery of the man called saturn. there had been a battle, saturn had been easily defeated. he had also been a sore looser. he drew a gun, there was a loud explosion...

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