Noblesse Oblige 2
Noblesse oblige 2 by seraph lesabre under post-late stage capitalism, it was extremely common for the ultra-rich to keep people in indentured servitude contracts that effectively made them slaves.
The Parable of the Fox [Chapter 3 Part 1]
I'd take that over a life of servitude at the bar any day." "i don't know, kieran... it sounds like a life in a different kind of servitude, if you see what i mean" "i don't care about the servitude."
Betrayal of the Shadow Wood - Chapter Two
If it lies within my power to grant you your wish, then i shall grant it in payment of your selfless servitude." she told him as her ears flicked forwards in curiosity. "i..."
The hunt for a male delicacy
He had pledged life servitude to save his sick mother as payment. she was treated and healed. his new role was the personal servant to the luxray.
Chapter 16: Happiness in Servitude
It was with these thoughts of unending servitude that he whimpered when he felt his mistress begin to loosen his collar.
Descent into servitude Chapter 2
#2 of descent into servitude a wealthy stallion buys a young brother and sister to be his personal sex slaves...
Seducing Servitude - Milotic TF
The waves gently crashed upon the sandy shores of an island, isolated from the mainland, yet not too far from civilisation if one knew just where it was they had to head towards. It rarely ever saw visitors, due in part to it being in the middle of...
Reflections of the Past.
It was only after the night he stripped me of my dignity and tore off my wings that i could no longer bow in servitude to the lecherous demon.
Overlord to Kobold
For in the draconic tongue, when hermes had said servitude, it had implied that this babe would one day become his concubine.
The Unexpected Duties of a Dragon Slave, Chapter Three (Finale)
#3 of dragon domination / slavery raia and orio have signed an agreement with the swamp dragon, rashalak, to enter into a term of bonded servitude. they both have their own reasons for doing so - as does the dragon.
Into the Deep 3
#41 of tik tik's tower after passing kret's test, gavit faces the first moments of his new life in servitude to the dark mistress of the tower of darkness this is part of a series i do with kobold dell'arte.
In Service
And servitude to the god-dragon means doing his every bidding. there was always a terrible hustle and bustle around the arcane one, for a dragon required not only constant servitude and attention, but deserved it.