Slave Camp - Fun Times Behind

The class was an evaluation of pain tolerance, and not a single slave in their group had left the room without tears in their eyes.

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The Mourning After - Chapter 3 (The Mourning)

But despite the tolerance i had gained from her she always kept me at a distance, which as hurtful as it was, always made me try harder to earn her friendship. like i said, she was pretty.

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Shattered Union Prologue

Also, i will tolerate no political discourse in the comments section of any part of this story. this story is the tale of a war to reunite a nation, not an attempt to harass one political ideology or another.

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End of Time - Session 3

John scrubbed until he couldn't tolerate it any more. he pulled the washcloth away and felt immediate relief as the alcohol started to evaporate off him. he opened his eyes and looked at the rag.

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A typical trainee day

He didn't care about the rules banning them; he needed something to make this job tolerable.

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Phoenix Coven - Chapter 53

I will only say this one more time: i _will__not_ tolerate your protests anymore, nor will i tolerate you or_any_ of your friends trying to _assault me!_ i've given you chance after chance in these matters! now, you force me to take drastic measures."

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Hoping for Something, A prologue

The last message i would get from him simply stated that he had tolerated as much as he could deal with and he never wanted to see me again... tolerated... so that was how i was. and yet i still couldn't get over him...

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Mercy 1: The Thief Returns

Not usually considered one of the most flattering colors a red-backed dragon could be born with, cellista found the color tolerable. his cream colored chest was broad and powerful.

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My Maine Girl

That left it to whether she would tolerate any advances from someone like me.                 i suppose i could have pressed the issue, either with force or with drugs, but both of those options seemed cruel.

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Dracius Origin: X

I will not tolerate anyone else doing that to me, at least once i learned that i didn't have to allow people to do it. until then people would part me on the head no matter if i liked it or not and it used to frustrate me greatly.

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Legend of the OmeletWings - Chapter 14: Laying

She had wondered what type of pain could completely level a dragon, make them scream as if they couldn't tolerate another second of their existence, no matter how great they believed the cause, no matter how many times they had experienced it before and knew

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Shadow of The White Citadel- Chapter Six

tolerance is the next one and this is probably the most difficult. as i mentioned, the species here come from different backgrounds and lifestyles.

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