The Nature of Warfare
planes will routinely shoot at each other from ranges of 100-200 km with lasers and missiles, and planes can also be shot at from far greater ranges by surface defenses.
Warning: Dinosaurs Sighted - Part 2
The planes were some sort of transport that was with out doubt, and the dinosaur was about to give them a brand new destination.
La nouvelle vie a Equestria: un nouveau depart
** Le nouveau départ Par flamedra** Dans un aéroport désert un homme de race blanche au cheveux court brun habiller d'un t-shirt noir trempée de sueur, d'un jean bleu déchirais sur le haut de la cuisse gauche. celui-ci chargé un aéroplane blanc...
First Impressions Chapter 7.
So far there are only two of these planes operating around the world on a private basis and the other one is under the ownership of our airline as well.
Leaping, he stomped and took out two planes at once, howling as he rammed them into the ground, broken beyond all repair.
Closed Cases - FSF Archives - O-499 First Call Blue 10-16
Lariss three was the largest air base which meant code blue support planes launched from catapults like those of an aircraft carrier, leading to a take-off time of roughly fir seconds for the first wave planes and nine seconds for the second wave planes. "
Dalmatian Air, Part 5.
"erm ian, forgive me for correcting you, but you said planes, and we only have one" again there is a chuckle from the other end.
Dreamtail on station
Feeling the weight of the radios and their batteries in her harness she listened to 4 different streams of radio traffic, inter-squad for her, the other gryphons, their planes.
Sonika the faker Chapter 6
.** **he led me into a dark and gloomy room where there was alot of ship's and plane's he sighed looking at them inawkardly.** **"i'll be back in a minute"he said leaving me in the dark room.there was many cool plane's but the nicest one was red with
Captain Troubleshoot and the Flight to Hades: Not Yer Usual Skyport
What if? It's a question that leads to great freedom and greater destruction. What if there was a cure for cancer? What if unicorns were real? What if there were a way to reverse climate change? What then? What now? Define "pre-industry," will ya?...
Jet plane through my heart
Had my eye on somebody, Had it there for a time, I got no way to bring it up, Feel it would be out of line. We'd chat a lot and a hang out a bit, Sometimes I'd try subtle flirting But without even knowing, you shot me down.... Jet plane......
Gap Year: Planes and New Beginnings
"But, Brent... I don't want you to go." "Soph, I have to. Our plane leaves soon. Besides, I told you that this was happening." My kit sister sniffled and nodded, wiping her eyes. She had grown a lot since everything that happened two years ago. We...