File #9 - Determination"
I can't get any of the control systems to respond... we are loading quantum torpedoes!" screamed ensign akando, her starfleet training dropping just a little from her lack of experience. "shut them down!"
File #13
Benamite was the illusive crystalline fuel that was used by the federation to power the quantum slipstream drive of newer starships.
Nova- Chapter 2
Didn't they give you quantum cards?" alex responded. "quantum cards? what, you mean the quantum-entangled network stuff? no way, they cost more than what i make in a decade, and, yeah, i got a signal amplifier.
7. My New Life-6
Their critical systems already disrupted, the second wave totally crippling and disabling the entire ship, its crew could only watch helplessly as the carracks they were to protect are ripped to pieces by the swarm of quantum torpedoes.
Chapter 17- Entanglement
She was also vaguely aware of what quantum entanglement entailed linking two or more items at the quantum mechanical level, to where they were always connected, regardless of distance.
Shadowrun: Remember your Past, part 3
"it would be great to continue my association with you, but i must continue my studies in applied quantum physics. byu was the only school on this side of the mississippi that would have me.
Snowlit Dawn - Book 2 Chapter 6
The panel suddenly beeped, showing a call coming in on a quantum pair unit.
"the quantum hedonistic abstract learning automaton is _built_ for all manners of love. even the motherly kind, as that foxcoon engineer can attest to."
A Holiday from the Expected
"true luv, but being the tear in space/time we created will likely carry our quantum signature, i have complete faith in the company to rescue us..."
The Dragon Warrior: Space Adventure Chapter 1
The aliens, called aldors, had hindered many aliens from coming to the trading stop, and effectively cutting off the only quantum gates of sector x55 system. our story starts here....
So Many Unexpected Things
Drake's logical processes running wild as he tried to comprehend quite how you hacked a quantum communicator.
Escape From the Nursery of Doom
A quantum cannon built into their right arm, capable of reversing a child to a younger age should a child prove so problematic it was deemed best to simply start over.