Restroom Service
On cue, i hear a faint rustling from the service stall as my unseen girlfriend gets off her knees and positions herself to give the wolf jock what he paid for.
Escort Service
Escort services are generally for those who like to pay for a quick enjoyable time. some times you get more than you pay for. escort service a drunken wolf production the computer was up again.
Creamy Service
Title: creamy service author: tmntraphfan pairing: raph/mikey rating: nc-17 summary: some sweet loving and deep thoughts come to one hot-headed individual, as he's waiting to see what his eager and energetic has planned for him.
Servicing the Boss
Although they were identical twins, Liam and Trevor Durant couldn't be more different. They had different personalities, different hobbies, and when at home, dressed differently, parted their hair differently. But whenever they went out, the siblings...
The Service Call
#1 of foot focused stories and art the service call by tannim september 12, 2007 "so you can't get your computer to work?" "that's right. it worked fine up until yesterday then suddenly, it just shut down and won't come back on."
Stable Service
This is a story I wrote in all of about an hour or so. It's not great and it's not full of meaningful plot twists or anything like that...quite a bit of M/M sex though. If that bothers you then I'd suggest not reading it, also if you are under the...
Services To An Officer
#1 of services to an officer "car 67, come in. jack, you there? over." the doberman picked up the handset. "this is car 67, over." "we've got a call about a disturbance of the peace on rosewood avenue. can you check it out, over?"
Service For Some
"in your new role as service boy, these gentlemen paid a large sum of money to, um, have you, after i was done.
Express Service
Evening express trains are always quiet, but this one was quieter than most. Monday night, coming back from a bland town to a boring city, with little to speak of at either end of the trip... it all added up to us having most of a coach to ourselves. ...
Terms of Service
* * * terms of service when spring's heat cycle reared its sultry head and descended on the city, it found ozias prepared. his first order of the day was a cold shower.
Servicing the Vixen
All she was sure was that he was an expert in servicing her orally.
Customer Service
"So, did you see that new show about dragons fighting over a throne?" Slipping off his shirt and shimmying out of his pants, Jeff took his seat in the next cubicle, spreading his legs for the webcam in front of him and placing his...