As of yet unnamed story. Part 1

"don't open your eyes cuntboy, it messes with the link and as punishment, you will suffocate until i finish delving into your mind."

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Samantha looks even more pissed off upon finding out she could be suffocated for lieing. i notice ecthelon looking surprised at the methods, and i speak to the crowd.

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Zootopia 5/??

"so we're gonna... suffocate?" the tiger asked, clasping his hands around his throat. "oh come on, fangmeyer. you weren't this bothered by it until the lights went out."

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A tempting Lure

Maelek watched the throbbing hole and looked back to his master "but i'm gonna suffocate in there." he complained then. "don't doubt my commands! wriggle yourself in.

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Terrible Creature Short

Still not sure how i feel about the ending, though spoilers the death part isn't really the problem, it's more the means taken by the creature, since it seems that something like that would be more prone to hack someone to pieces with its blades rather than suffocate

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You Leave Me Breathless

This is a written example of a commission piece. If you're interested in getting a piece of erotica written by me, check out my FA Page: [Rotten Works]( The subtle smell of mildew and general dampness...

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suffocate the breather that steels all the air. eat the brain of the loser who causes you dispair.


Dear Heartbreaker

Eager to suffocate my very being. silence, i beg you for mercy. dear silence. you are here. yet, you are not mine. may i pretend that you are mine? you do not want me. you are not mine..

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Poem #33: The Senses

I feel so deaf the sound pressing in the blackness suffocates absence so prevelant where does it come from? i feel so plugged the flowers are dull the stench rots my core my nose a sore burning my face.

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The Rogue Chapter Two

Sean crept towards him, and noticed the blood in the grass, and rolled the rogue onto his side so he wouldn't suffocate. he looked for a wound, and saw a small scar on his right shoulder.

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The One Who Makes Me Whole ch. 13

When her climax ended, she relaxed her body, with handy tapping her with a nub, petunia had forgotten about him and released his head from her legs, as soon as he was released, he gasped for air, having nearly suffocated from the foreplay.

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