Shadow of Loyalty Chapter 1
She'd have to quit her job as weather manager here, but where to go? she could go to cloudsdale, but they have plenty there with her skills in weather management.
Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Route 118 and 119
Castform the weather pokemon a normal type. its appearance changes with the weather. recently its molecules were found to be just like water."
My Pudgyville Fanfic S1E14
\*the ponies watch the tv\* "we have unusually cold weather heading our way today," said dan.
Saving the ponies Chapter 8: I’m falling because of you!
"you're still on the weather team, of course, but you almost never show up for your shifts.
32. Negotiations
The weather patterns for equestria were determined by the farmers unions based on the needs of their crops and the weather factory scouts who flew across equestria to see what kind of weather was needed where.
Journeys through Outer Canidia - 1st month, 17th day
He has taken the ship out on fine days and a skeleton crew for a few trials, and then in rougher weather, but he said that it would not be possible to take this new ship out in rough weather without a full complement of crew to handle all the tasks required
For that matter, they could just bypass that station and drive the individual weather nodes directly. i idly hummed to myself on the walk.there was a weather node not far away.
Life is Just a Storm- Chapter 32- Frozen Sapphires
He also threw in the present state of the abhorrent weather just for good measure. the coyote responded almost immediately.
High School Days Ch2: Young Love Part 2: Torn
weather's stop this right..." before the enraged kangaroo knocked him down and dragged his son's limp body into the rain. todd grabbed david's other paw as mr. weather's dragged him across the lawn, yelling, "let him go! let him go!"
Friendship in the Far South
That weather station was almost directly in the direction of the oncoming storm, so it therefore had the best weather data.
The Shopkeeper's Care
"you know, you look awfully young to go venturing by yourself, especially in this weather. you silly kids these days...well, i can see you're sick and the weather won't be letting up in a long while, so you won't be leaving anytime soon."
Tennesee Campaign
I don't know if it was the weather that was making me sick or the trees since it was springtime, but all i know is that i have a slight cold. "you know what this weather reminds me of?"