The Fall of Luci-Fur

Now, there was a crater where once were grasses, bushes, ancient stumps, and the metallic steeds. the crater smoldered, earth and stone cracked by the heat of the impact.

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The Dragon and Kitsune

All he had to do was ride the tumultuous updraft until he reached the lip of the crater, then dive away from the explosion.

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Cosmic Love: A Star Fell

In the center of the earthen crater was a giant crystalline spike structure stabbed into the ground like a horribly swung flail head.

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Divine: Chapter 1

Vargus approached the crater slowly, ducking behind trees to hide himself, but slowly he got to the edge of the crater and peered down. there was a large rotund object there, not some creature.

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Undercity chapter 4

He said landing a second making another small crater sending road into the near by lake. he leapt a third time flying up into the air. soon the academy started coming into view.

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08 - Mask of Courage

The feather falling spell from before caused him to move forward and drift downward at a rate which would carry him past the crater's half-way point.

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Harmony's Warriors: Soar - Act II - 07 - Let 'Em In

Surrounding the crater was a small crowd of dots that moved in and out, apparently all attracted to whatever it was that sat on top of the small mound in the center of the crater. pinkie pie peered out the window and smiled. "wow!

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A Multitude of Stars... Chapter 5

The humans set about their work as we turned to examine the crater. dunham was doing the same scouring that brookes had been in the deepest part of the crater. gregor scoffed behind me and i turned to see what she was doing.

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Scuba Sisters

Lifting a metallic arm the otter pointed towards the crater. "lets show these dick-thinkin' losers what we can do, yeah?"

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Crystalline Ascension: Illustrated Story for ga576611

When they finally reached the edge of the crater one of them tentatively tapped the toe of a boot along the inside of the cratered stone.

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Juryokine: Prologue

She flapped, tears running down her cheeks, and shot out of the crater just in time to dodge the spear. it grazed her heel, and her body stiffened as a surge of the blue energy surged through her.

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Ch 20

I watched as all the girls carried scott up the crater and into the dorm building to our room where they could take care of him. i laughed at this and noticed that they all left brandon in the middle of the crater still needing to be taken care of.

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