Old Home

A gunshot rang in the distance, and he spied two figures on a distant eave. one fell, and rolled into the pit, and the other turned, and climbed into a window.

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musket: chapter three

Got done running a mile straight under the kalahari desert without any breaks or water. his ears were constantly folded except for when he, like his tail, got terrified over the smallest of things. then of course, there was his wound. the blood from the gunshot

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Human Experimentation: Redux: The Fire is Starting: P1

Then there were two more gunshots, but they were closer to greg than the original firing position. greg looked up to see where the gunshots came from and he saw chloe, on one knee firing like an expert at the enemy figures.

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The War Toy Part 1

The night sky was full of flashes and an odd humming, one lone gunshot and then silence. no birds called, no crickets chirped and no scouts walked close to them.

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Goodbye, Tomorrow; Chapter One: City of Lights, City of Death

More gunshots, and screams from the crowd as people are hit. what the hell is he doing? katz wonders, as furs on the edge of the crowd fall to the bullets.

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Chapter 2: An Interesting Development

He heard another gunshot, and this time, it hit his back tire. it blew out, and james knew he'd go into a slide. "fuck this!" james shouted, and turned, heading towards the edge of the highway.

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Chapter 24: Revolution

Suddenly, two more gunshots rang out across the yard. the car drifted off of the gravel drive and slowly rolled over the yard until it collided with the house with a thump.

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Wayward Scale; The Wasteland chapter 4, Liftoff

A gunshot rings out, and they could see sasha struggle. josh swept her off her feet and ran through the gate. the shuttle's engine could be heard as josh hid himself and sasha behind some rocks.

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The Tales of Sorath (chapter one)

There was no response except for the raising of a customized handgun and the sound of a gunshot. "get down now!" yelled sergeant johnson as he heard the gunshot. "everybody put on your body armor, we now know that the man inside is armed and dangerous.


The Attack Plan

A flashlight shined down the hall and blinded them both, two gunshots following, which caused ben to stumble back into the bathroom. the back of his head hit the corner of the sink, which disoriented him.

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Cuffed and Collared

And that's when the gunshot came. mike jumped back. another bang came, whistling just past his ear. he jumped out of the road, rolling through dirt and grass until he came to a stop. the gunshots stopped.

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United Through Two Worlds: The Other End

But when i did, something that oddly resembled a gunshot shot out. i wildly looked around, but i couldn't hear much anything else besides the ringing. another gunshot rang out. muffled by the ringing in my ears.

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