Thirteen Karmic Tales: Seventh Tale
He called the police every halloween to try to get those little hooligans off the street who were trick or treating. he was simply a bitter old man. and to make it worse... he did everything he could to torment children. especially on halloween.
Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 1
Unbeknownst to her foolish daughter, both the front and back doors were securely locked, so unless she wanted to dive out the window like some hooligan, she'd have no choice but to give up some answers.
Kioga 2: Depend and Dependability
Wesley the coyote, his office mentor, and the five post-fraternity hooligans he associated with, had given kioga the old switcheroo.
Larger than Life
He expertly manoeuvred his feet around the somewhat shaken police force, while carefully harvesting the frightened hooligans who had evidently failed to escape him. the rebellious furs tried and failed at their desperate escape bid.
Virgin Nymphomaniac Chronicles #1: Meet Cara
"the virgin nymphomaniac chronicles" story series hub journal.many people think of nymphomaniacs as nothing more then sex-crazed hooligans, and while that can be the case, oftentimes it can be far more complicated than that.
Sweet and Gummy
"young hooligans..." "uhuh...whatever" pardio continued to examine a few hanging dream catchers at the back of the shop. his soft finger pads traced along the spider webbed thin strands of leather that bound the circular artifacts together.
A Stitch in Time pt. 6
Victor hovered tauntingly above the hooligan, dodging his bat easily before perching on a small, overhead chandelier. looking down he hissed defiantly at the two thugs. the equine pulled back for a roundhouse swing.
Tribes: Pilot Episode
Fires started by hooligans and people screaming for help as the lawless ove eran the town, killing and stealing, raping and pillaging.
Keeping the Peace, Dousing the Flames
Which was why pearl was so confused how they had so many \*hooligans\* among their big brood. "uhh.. yeah... listen, pearl, i'm sorry about... uhh... who did what, this time?"
Chapter 2: A New Case
Right, let's go talk to the rest of these soccer hooligans." \*\*\* by 5:00 pm, they had questioned ten of danny's teammates without learning much.
Night Walk (Vore Story)
Originally, they were automatic; but now shut off, and afterwards, thoroughly destroyed by hooligans, wild animals, and other various sorts of looters.
Larana's Halloween Justice
She couldn't expect these hooligans to understand the significance of the holiday, being mere magic-less primates. a hand slapped her butt as she bent over to pick up her ruined pumpkin. there was more laughter as she stood, fuming.