Paw Touch-Up Dust-Up (Kinktober: Tickling)
tickling. tickles. ticklish. all of that fun stuff. and who does it feature? of course, none other than the world's most ticklish raccoon . . . and, to boot, this story has quite a meta spin on it.
The Assistant Becomes The Master
A few of them kept chu hanging up in the air, and a pair of them were between his thighs, tickling the inner muscles and brushing against the backs of his knees to find the most ticklish areas that they could.
We stopped moving for just a second, and our eyes met again, as they had at the end of our tickle fight a few days before. her orbs were so beautiful and so deep, an ocean of sky-blue.
Part 3 - Could It Be?
This worked to my advantage, and i began to tickle him again, but this time, somehow he managed to push me off of him and onto the sofa, which was facing the left wall. "you sneak, you!"
A Commission Fighting Cross Fox Weak Point
I heard snatches of conversation to the effect of "yo, is he ticklish?" speculation turned to rumor turned to laughter and taunting. "do you yield?" grahz asked again.
Breaking Benjamin
Tell me officer clawhauser, are you ticklish?" "n-n-no, of c-c-course not!" "well then this shouldn't bother you at all!"
The Three Cubs - Part I
The panther knew his underarm was clearly his weak spot, but he had forgotten how ticklish his paws were. maybe even more ticklish.
to charm a dragon chapter 9
She sighed, and then squealed in surprise as his hand found a ticklish spot and began to move ruthlessly. hyran smiled down at her and tickled her harder, making her gasp for breath. "no--hyran--stop" she gasped out between giggles.
Pokemon xy The adventures of Serena and Bonnie tickle monster and cute diaper change
After that she starts tickling her tummy. bonnie laughed so hard hahahahahahahaha stop it that tickles claimed bonnie. then serena said "too bad the tickle monster is going to keep tickling you until you fully pee your diaper.
Experimenting on a Roo
Laughter, with slight moans slipped between them, was all he knew, the tickles getting worse and worse.
Tickle Test [Patron Reward]
"ticklish? that gives me an idea~" you're tired. you need a way to perk up. and i know just the ticket for that." "nn." "hehehe. so...
Sensitivity Training
< sensitivity training by: lapsa for: shm128 warning: tickling "so where is it you're taking me again?"