Beasts in the Woods
Beasts in the Woods By Bunny Hops Kayla, 19 year old female Luther, born 1843 London Kayla felt safe and content as wolf, more so than she had ever felt in her nineteen years being a human. This was especially true now that she was pregnant with a...
Bear in the woods
It would probably take a week or so to clean up the rubble, and then maybe another two before he had enough trees and wood to build himself a new house.
Alice In The Woods
_My first story posted on this site. Suggestions and constructive critisism are appreciated._ _Originally written for [Z-Byte](, based off of a species we came up with together._ * * * Alice let...
A Knight in the Woods
"Ok, now everyone listen up..." I heard my scoutmaster, a Beaver of fifty say to the gathered crowd of twelve fur cubs scattered around him. "This weekend we will be having our annual spring camping trip up the Appalachian Trail, right now the plan is...
A Walk in the Woods
Chapter Six A Walk in the Woods by Havoc "Nature is not human hearted." -Lao Tzu * * * "Okay, are we all ready?" Eric asked, looking between Aurelia and Mia. "Nobody forgot anything back at the Pokémon Center?" The trees of Petalburg...
A Day in the Woods
A short little TF story I did for arrowquivershaft to thank him for getting me hooked on Kobolds. This one features his hawk, Kawheek, finding himself being transformed all because of a slight accident in direction. Enjoy! * * * A Day in the...
Out in the Woods
This is a Birthday story for Deioth. Its compiled of an RP and extremely altered to make work as prose. Altering RP logs to prose effectively is long, hard work. I mention this just as any artist would talk about their collaboration when they...
Conker Woods
The mango coloured sun hangs in the sky, lazy, as it always does and always will. In Conker Woods, nothing changes. The sun never sets, and the seasons elapse from one to the other without so much as a small change in the bizarre landscape. The canary...
A Walk in the Woods
Hey, an update! Whaddaya know. More to come soon, hopefully :P The usual warning: this story is mainly about a dragon getting his balls brutalized by various females. In this chapter, there actually aren't any females, but P'oiu still manages to...
Poe's Wood
I own a pretty nice piece of forested property. Lots of fur trees and what not. Douglas furs, too. Big wooden things with holes in the top that leak pearl white sap (appropriately nicknamed Wingers to those in the know). Makes for some awesome pancake...
A Walk in the Woods...
Zach thought to himself, a small grin across his face as he continued deeper into the wood, gazing up at the treetops illuminated by the flickering candlelight with curiosity.
Cabin in the Woods
KingKingSTARwolf looked around warily. The fox seemed to be nowhere in sight. That meant it was safe for him to go inside its den, yards from where he was standing. He hid behind a bush, his ears perked to catch the slightest of sounds, but he heard...