Now That's a Big Bang!
The last transmissions from the global surveillance network sending back very confusing imagery showing mountainous structures that looks almost like veins, one image showing -- very clearly -- a well defined ridge which seems to encircle the entirety of the
The Good That Won't Come Out (Pundamentals #2)
Still, the imagery and the emotions you were feeling definitely stood out to me. you, my... friend... are similar to me. as i'm sitting here, outside on a park bench, i'm slowing down from inertia. decelerating and sorta thinking about my situation.
mustache w/ zebra
._ _not quite the proverbial god of thunder, samuel torinson ("thor" for short) stands at a rather impressive height, usually head and shoulders above his fellows in the community, though he does little to dispel the nordic imagery!
Second Chances
Our satellite imagery shows some sort of jungle of vegetation on all sides, so be aware of your surroundings. the neo seeker can't go any lower if the cloak is to continue working.
Chapter 3: Enlightening Experiences
Holis was trying rather hard to hide his arousal as strange and wrong as this all sounded he was becoming significantly attracted to alesta the imagery that this kept putting into his head was nothing less than very pornographic and it was bothering
Shadow of the Clouds Prologue
Warning, this has blood, excecution, a bit of cussing and pretty dark imagery so be forewarned. shadow of the clouds prologue it was late march, snow fell on the upper slopes of mount hokai, the lower slpoes were clad in a cold og.
After School Break
The imagery helped him, and he could feel himself about to climax. as he did so, he saw a face of a friend flash in front of his eyes. before he could think on the mater, alan peaked.
My First Story Pt2 The Start of a New War
But, satellite imagery and close air support told a different story. they had the pictures, but not the evidence, all the pictures were either blurry, or couldn't be seen because of all the dust and sand the said "monster" kicked up.
(warning: graphic sexual imagery) he panted softly as he watched in drooling excitement the incredibly erotic image before his eyes. he was careful to not allow the one inside to spot him hanging outside the window.
Kamoya Information - Kaiju OC
I plan to have a story up for her, but it may be an adult story with mature themes and imagery. i may also make a g rated version of the same story, seeing as most of the adult stuff i've planned can easily be uploaded separate. i don't know.
Time for Fun
His dick responded to the imagery with strong jerks, and he stroked yet faster. "i want your cock, your human prick, master, inside me, deep as it will go, sir."
Wait For No One - Chapter 5 - The Gathering Storm
They are constantly updating their coverage from all sorts of sources as the imagery becomes available.