Winter Trials
Winter trials by, archer j. wolff commissioned for nanakitw * * * the winter winds blew strongly against the thick fur of thunderwing, as he huddled his wings close to his cold, shivering body.
The First Trial
.\> ) all the usual stuff applies, and if you're not sure what it is .... go look it up \*-\* the first trial \> 2 they had only gone a few kilometre's down the road when night and sapphire ran into a small bit of bother.
Road's Trials
- faora, of the sea's song **road's trials** it wasn't that sera hated the road. on the contrary, really; the scientist's mind in him found the discovery of new places and new things entirely fascinating.
Direza's Trials
**direza's trials** direza breathed deeply of the unfamiliar air - 'fresh', a surface-dweller would presumably call it, to distinguish it from the dense, stale air of the deep caverns.
Experimental Trials
But he resolved to definitely call the doctors overseeing the trials, at least - if for nothing else, then to report possible side effects. he thought about if he should take the next pill or not.
On the Mountain of Trials
Their long and arduous climb had finally come to the end, they were at the top of the mountain of trials.
Trial by Fire
'a world in remnants' side stories: trial by fire the mercenary walks into the tavern, clad in a red-trimmed amethyst robe armored with patches of black dragon scales and simple tan trousers.
Tribal Trial
Two adult chimpanzee's go out to do their trial to become a known adult by the tribe. will they return?
The Trial of Lovers
An elf enters a trial to try and win a lover.
Medical Trial
#132 of commissions a young adult recently out of college decides to take part in a medicinal trial in order to make some money.
The Roommate's Trial
. :3 **the roommate's trial** turbo grinned as the clink of bottles landing upon their table drew a strained whimper from cassius.
Trial and Error
trial and error by pent ghelsburg disclaimer: the characters depicted in this work are purely fictional. any resemblance to persons alive or dead is purely coincidental.