Draconicon's R34 Harem 15: Into the Underground
This was half-guesswork, half evidence that he had managed to work out by observing the worlds of the underground.
Scary, but Hot
"like, of the underground league?" leo questioned in a somewhat hushed tone, in case anyone in the nearby rooms overheard them speaking about the ul.
Book 1, Chapter 1 (Welcome to The Under)
"and as for your question of what i'm doing underground with hiv running through my blood, you can blame my parents."
3:27 Silencing the Voices
#27 of the underground part 3: parasite _parasite is the third part of the underground series_ _chapter 27 of 29_ **silencing the voices** there was something about survival that made someone not question their life.
Shadows of Elysium, Chapter 2
It wasn't long before they were strolling and joking, walking down the halls into the depths underground. then they found their first fork. "cheki," merkha said, "there's a fork in the road. should we go left, or right?"
Hunter's Guild Database.
5/ underground. (newly-founded space colony on mars called ar'den and a facility on the moon called hoven.) the underground were possibly the single deadliest faction out of the six, with a base in the catacomb-like underground on the moon.
3:4 Living Dead Girl
Rumor had it, that it was those areas that sprouted the grassroots the the underground. people always wondered what the underground was.
Kingdom of the Old Demons: Chapter 29
Meanwhile, on the other side of qeveriyt, zardes and itresil talked with asdal while relaxing near the underground lake, which was also the source of clean water for the city.
3:28 “Lay Your Soul to Waste”
#28 of the underground part 3: parasite _parasite is the third part of the underground series_ _chapter 28 of 29_ **"lay your soul to waste"** intelligence was the key to any survival situation. nature proved this many times over again.
The Horrors of Stonebury, Chapter 7
"underground bunker discovered inside of barn. area appears to stretch under the entire farm," steven took a few more notes for his recording device as he tried to get a grasp of how far and wide the room really was.
The underground shelters were forgotten in favor of the now slightly more habitable surface.
bio of belic
And pokemon underground league ^^ feel free to use him cause ill use him alot :3 this doubles as a good story too. its in the back ground info.