Surgimorphs Chapter Seven: Pushing the Limit

However the bigger mystery was how my flowers managed to show up in the virtual world when i know that i shouldn't have that ability there. maybe the others assumed it was a program.


Suraksha (Security)

The eager rabbit signed in to a popular pvp server in his favorite virtual world (under his username: thepamperedraj95).

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Getting nisfwuh with Renamon

Humans have gotten really good at making virtual worlds lately." he flopped down in the sand and splayed all six limbs out to soak up the sun. "isn't this cool? we can build whatever we want here. heck, we never have to leave!

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Lab Rat

That's exactly what i was looking for: a game that is easy to get into, perfect for distracting the player from what's happening outside the virtual world.

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Shy Tiger Used Hard

I could get up and let you go back to that little virtual world where nobody really knows you, where you can just be that avatar and be the big bad man that can do whatever he wants..."

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The Machine - Prologue Part One

In fact, imagine it reading every textbook for you... every movie, every video, every article, any phone conversation... using that data and creating a virtual world in which the user can immerse themselves and learn in an entirely new form.

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Smash bros

His heart skipped a beat at the sight of his friend's broad shoulders and strong legs - traits that made him an imposing presence both in real life and in the virtual world of gaming. "roy's here!" tai thought excitedly as he raced to open the door.

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Big and Small: Part 2

The young pup became immersed in the game very quickly, darting his head back and forth as he stood, exploring the virtual world.

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Finding Something New

He suddenly snapped back as the game gave a loud bang as a grenade went off inside that virtual world. as he stared at the screen, he saw a young female wolf prance across it, gun in paw, and he chuckled to himself.

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“A Plum was picked”

Feral is no longer an avatar in that virtual world, but i do have a couple others that i use often. if your interested in a wolf, dog, or minotaur...just send me a pm and i might share my avatars name.

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Pixel Shift - Chapter 3

"um, well it's where they take disobedient lithians and put them in a virtual world, so they can manipulate them and break them." lilly replied.

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