A Day on the Slopes

Alas, all good things must come to an end, and soon lorank had enough firewood, sweeping it up in his arms and carrying it back toward the cabin, only now noticing his friend and offering a warm smile as he approached.

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The Tale of Silvermoon Chapter 1.

Silver sat behind the firewood, waiting to watch. with a chuckle spyro nodded and took a slight deep breath before letting out a light but precise flame on the firewood, igniting it. silver let out an excited look at the display of the spyro's powers.

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Warming Up [Raffle]

Looks like they had enough firewood for tonight, at least: pale graphite smoke wafted up from the stone chimney in the rear of the house, the direction from which this wild dog came from.

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Beneath the Stars - A Braixen x Trainer Tale

"okay, we should probably start gathering some firewood now. josh gave us that job while he was gonna start setting up camp...what do you think?" "brai brai..." her pokemon said, intimatly.

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Creating family ties

John is the first one to enter home and due the great quantity of firewood that he charges, the boy trips and falls to the floor. the firewood spreads all out. john growls with bother picks up the firewood.

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lucarios story, ch1

Pack. i rinsed out its gashes with my canteen and applied bandages to stop the bleeding. i gave it some water to drink and a protein bar. it was getting very dark very fast so i leaned the unconscious pokemon up against a nearby tree and went to get some firewood

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Hike #1 preview

"i just know i'll be cutting firewood by the end of this."

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Returning the Favor

The rest of the afternoon was spent gathering firewood for his small but homely cabin anchored in the middle of the neighboring lake.

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Anya and Kirvan – In love with a vren

She said and anya and vasslo took the firewood and followed after tarrek into the forest.

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Outcast - Chapter 5

I read on in the note, and learned that the firewood and supplies would be the only help i would receive in this manner. from here, i was on my own.

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Tagg and Nimbalo

I'll go find some branches for firewood." "great! i'll get the food ready while you're gone," tagg said. "okay, so while i find the firewood, you do all the cooking."

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Wolf River - Chapter 4

firewood wasn't a serious problem. there was plenty near at hand, though most of it was still standing. shelter was another matter.

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