Chapter 1: Slave

He sniffed her collarbone and then touched the tip of his tongue to her throat, a shock of electricity shot from the connection straight down her spine. she blinked and jerked back a bit. "wha---?!" she whispered, speaking for the first time.

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Steal What You Came For

He raised his head, drew it back; kesha realised he was looking straight at hir. his eyes surprisingly liquid, his head tilted just so.

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"Night, Gabbie." Michelle told her on her way out. The office was always cleaned out of people by 3 on Fridays. No one wanted to stay late. The last people out of the office was herself and her boss, Marshall. They all worked as a part of a web hosting...

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Asking For It

straight laces, i's and t's all dotted and crossed. he was so fucking respectful to her, even when she was anything but deserving of it to him, that it made her sick. it actually made her angry at first!

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Torella Unleashed Chapter 1

Matt stood up straight, smiling at her as he used the title with a warmth that didn't match the heat she was feeling. she swallowed, something was wrong, terribly wrong.

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Breakfast in bed

Morning, the sun rising has triggered the window shields to cover and protect the inside from any sun light. Scarlet waits for the alarm to notify her of it being safe to leave the bedroom, once it beeps she continues on her way out to the kitchen. In...

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Chapter 16: Gratitude

She ran her lips straight down to the base, the last inch of his manhood now pressing against the back of her throat.

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The Rikifur Chronicles: Chapter 8 – Rest and Romance

The first yellow-white fingers of dawn crept into Jak and Airy's leafy bower. One bright ray reflecting off some shiny surface pierced Jak's functional eyelid, startling him awake from uneasy dreams. Panting for breath and his heart racing as though he...

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Blow job Between the Stacks

The library smelled of paper, dust, and ink. The silence inside the building was deafening in the way only forced and intense silence could be. Only the sound of the occasional rustle of papers alerted Cymmie that there were people nearby, since she...

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One Night Stand

Bursting through the door of her building, she headed straight for the lift, pushing the button to call it down, then turning and grabbing at the fox's shirt.

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Akin to Change.rtf

"damn straight i am. an' nobody's gonna curl up with my girl near the fire 'cept me, got that?" jake flashed a scowling glance at his cousin. michael nearly fell off the log as jake looked way too intimidating in that moment. "i wasn't..

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An Itch To Scratch

An Itch to Scratch By Charles E. Terrell Jr. AKA Nightmask []( A warm summer breeze redolent with the scents of lilacs and hyacinth lazily wound its way...

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